Age of Mythology: Retold & AOE 2 DE are coming to PS5

I wonder what sort of numbers it did outside of PC, because in imo outside of PC strategy games aren’t popular.

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Oh no…how will the platform survive this? /s


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And here we go.

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Matt Booty is really busy this year!! My goodness!

I would only start to really worry if we see a priority in porting games instead of making games for Xbox or ignoring its ecosystem.

That’s not the case at the moment, but will see once abril comes about and we yet again get another Spencer interview.

Do wonder when a journalist is gonna ask the one thing some are requesting and that is about its current ecosystem how they plan to make sure not to take it for granted so to speak while the multiplat strategy is at large.

…Why would they ever do that?

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I am not saying that they are prioritizy ports instead of its own ecosystem, but you can’t deny that many can see that being the case as unfortunate as it is for those not fully aware of what that could bring to the ecosystem.

Am hoping that games that never released in the Xbox ecosystem come this year especially so that it can disperse this notion.

But again Nintendo is gonna annouce Xbox games there and that is gonna be brought up one way or another, i can see that being the case way more than some might think. So i only hope that higher ups know that they will need to start talking about hardware and why the ecosystem is valid for customers once this goes underway. Otherwise the damage can be a bit more then what they got during 2013.

Annoucing a playstation game like Spider Man is one i can see making Xbox players calm the hell down or any of the recent Final Fantasy games from 7 Remake or 16. Or some other game i might have missed.

But that’s my personal two cents, am being judgemental and cynical in comparison to most here, mostly cause of past mishaps from Microsoft. Can someone really blame me for that?

It’s funny that Microsoft’s PC games usually take a long time to appear on Xbox. Apparently, they’re coming out pretty quickly. Gears Tactics even had a controller option when it was released on PC. It’s only natural that the community is becoming increasingly negative about the brand, as is happening.

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If they don’t blow out of the freacking water with next gen hardware(Biggest technical leap or so they claim),why the ecosystem is valid enough and why current customers should remain with the ecosystem, then they will be toast.

They will need to respond on all three if they even want to hope to gain traction with current customers and the community.

Its fine to port games, that’s no the issue, but set your priority with the ecosystem straight beforehand otherwise you are bound to get bit in the behind in the worst way possible when next gen comes.

Am set to sell many psychical game copies i got as well as previous hardwares i had in order to get myself a new gaming laptop and a switch 2, just in case fumbles happen on Xbox, which i feel its very likely given recent track records.

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Those games are coming after and Xbox version was worked out.

IDK what you’re even saying. You keep pointing back to very nebulous concepts that while you can believe are very meaningful are simultaneously very hard to engage with.

Many former PS exclusive games like Sifu and Kena and Stray have come to Xbox. Xbox is publishing an enormous amount of first psrty content and buying third party content for its subscription service. Its console hardware fits its niche well (cheap enough for okay performance).

Xbox is clearly doing very well with tons of psrtners lining up to be in its events and ship games on its platform.

At some point, arent you just looking for reasons to be mad or scared?


You’re obviously talking to an entirely different community than the one here and on discord.


…because a PC to console port may require more fixes than a console to console port?


Scared not mad, made my peace awhile ago that most games will be on rival platforms.

However I was there watching the 2013 storm, so let me tell ya this: This scares the heck out of me, not only cause its uncharted waters and time has shown that Xbox has fumbled at the most important times thanks to relaying solely on data.

So, am scared for the future of the hardware, am scared for the future of customers of Xbox, am scared for the future of its ecosystem if Playstation decides to play dirty like they did when Jim or Shawn were in the spotlight.

This is the wrong place for this kind of discussion, bring it to the multiplatform thread.


It makes sense.

Alright, fair point. I was just responding to a question given to me.

I apologies.
