AGE of Empires 2020: a retrospective from Shannon Loftis

A small view on what 2020 Means for AOE franchise and what Will come

Hope to see AOE coming to Console. It would be cool play with Xbox series x/s users


Yea MS needs to make sure every IP comes to both PC and Xbox

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Meh. I wonder if many console players care about RTS games with keyboard and mouse.

They can covert it to a controller, Xbox has SIM games

Would love this on console!

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I feel like it’s only a matter of time. I remember playing Age of empires on PS2.

If we’re going to get MS Flight Sim surely AoE should be able to come to console haha, I’m not fussed either way because I have a decent gaming PC and XSX so I’m covered but I do understand why people would want it on Xbox.

Yeah as long as it has K+M support, no reason not to.

Hope we get some news on Age of Mythology soon! Also I’d love to see World’s Edge be a general strategy/RTS (maybe even MOBA?) studio for MS, in the sense that Age remains their big franchise but they could branch out a little too in terms of setting or gameplay style.