As an Old school Assassin Creed Fan I went in AC Oddyssey with low expectations and more as RPG fan and simply loved it best 30 Bucks I ever spent…190Hrs of exploration & Builds,pure fun.I got Ac origins Base copy but is it good??
I would think if you like onr probably like the other. Maybe easier to go the other way though.
Good job. I still need to finish Origins amd I keep telling myself I won’t start Odyssey until I do.
Wow that is a heck of an accomplishment. I finished the story in Odyssey but still had a ton left to do. Origins is a very good game IMO but I did like Odyssey a bit more because Kassandra is just the best.
I’ve never 100% an assassin’s creed game. Seems so daunting.
I completed both Origins and Odyssey 100% for the base game and the two expansions for each. Both are a 9/10 for me. The story and characters are better in Odyssey plus the RPG elements are more fleshed out. Loved the hunting in Origins and everything overall. Prefer the Phylakes in Origins over the never ending hunters in Odyssey. Odyssey also had 3 or 4 layouts for bandit camps and tombs which were repeated throughout the game. Greece is gorgeous in Odyssey and overall most visually appealling than Egypt but I love the Egypt setting more and someone correct me if im wrong but I think it was the only third person game set in Egypt. Overall, loved both games.
I’m day one for VALHALLA on Series X. Buying the Gold Edition digitally. Can’t wait!!! Love AC!!!
Unreal, well done.
Nice job. Personally I was bored by Odyssey (that humongous map, sic!), but have 100% completion in Origins and looking forward for Valhalla.
Origins is so good, I think Bayek is by far my fave AC Character.
& congrats on your 100% on AC ODYSSEY, I really need to get round to the expansions.
What was your verdict on the dlc? I have it installed just never played them.
Nice! I’m almost there now too, but thanks to Game Pass I got distracted with Darksiders Genesis.
Not too sure about getting Valhalla just yet, anxiously waiting to see if the game will support 60 fps on Series X.
took me 325 hrs with dlc
Well done! I have completed a few AC games but only the main story with Origins being my latest and thought it was better than Odyssey (still playing main story) In fact the only game I’ve kept at 100% completion is Fallout76, nearly done Destiny 2 but I’ve been stuck on needing the prestige raid achievement for years.
Good job! Crap loads of content in that. I 100% the first one on 360 but the new ones are just too big.
Thks bud but this isn’t even one of top accomplishment
I love origins! It mate be a little dated if your playing it after odessey mainly the combat but it’s a gorgeous game and bayek is just a beast
Super impressive, I’m about 145 hrs in. Been playing it on and off since release and I still feel like I’m nowhere near the end. Love the game though. What was the percentage of players who 100%?