A Question for Toronto-Area Fans

Hi everyone. I have something of a strange question to ask.

I’m in the Toronto area and unfortunately, it looks like Fanfest is off this year. I had a really great time and was hoping to return.

However, after discussing with some folks, it was decided that maybe we could do our own. I’ve put out a request to a screening room to see if we could show the showcase in a small theatre environment. It seats around 40 people.

Is this something that may be of interest? I still need to get the venue in place and make sure I’m in the clear to do this. I just want to ensure it’s worth the cost of renting.

As an aside, this event would be free. Donations wouldn’t be unappreciated but are by no means necessary and would be capped at the cost to put on the event. I don’t want to profiteer off the hard work of others.


I also live in Toronto. Having an event would be cool.


I cannot say for sure that I will be attending, but which location are you currently looking at?

At the moment on the UofT campus downtown. May end up being the entertainment district if UofT falls through though.

Ahh okay. UofT downtown campus can be stupid expensive for sure.

I am not sure if you are considering it, but what about some community centers?

I’m an alumni so I get a preferred rate actually. Community centres are a good shout as well. I looked into TPL but the prices were too high.

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Ahh that’s cool. Sucks to hear about TPL rates though.

Worst case scenario - Get a bunch of Torontonians in an Xbox party chat and watch the stream together :sweat_smile:

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That’s a great idea, but unsure if my schedule will allow since I’m unsure what my work schedule is like that week

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For all our Toronto area friends, the Eventbrite is now live:


I want to come to this, but need to confirm what my weekend looks like then.

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