A new trailer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl released - the game is set to launch Q1 2024

I really have to agree, even as a former dev, nanite was going to be the new normal maps in terms of generational leaps. But the uptick has not really lived up to the initial showings in all honesty. I will wait for the new gears trailer though…

I have really enjoyed the last trailer because it really feels like the original Stalker: SOC which is one of my favorite games of that time.

Life is too short to be underwelmed by graphics not being flashy enough.


My feelings as well. If the Coalition can’t get it to look like those demos, then I’ll be calling foul on UE 5. I just saw the Wukong game again and it seems to have lost that shine. This is one reason I don’t want 343 to use UE 5 for Halo. Would love to see other engines like ID TECH and Cry engine make the rounds again.

I don’t know if others covered this because these past few days life is too busy to follow closely, I don’t see anything posted here though so I’ll go ahead.

The most popular gaming “organization” in my country went to gamescom and covered many games including stalker 2, what they reported after playing the game is that the games problems go far beyond the massive graphical downgrade. Apparently it suffers from a lot of pop-in, not just bad but completely broken AI, crashes, clipping through other npcs and animations, npcs clipping through each other are what stuck with me but they mentioned more.

And all that within thirty minutes of gameplay.

Sounds like they rushed a build out, hopefully the bugs get taken care of before release

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They mentioned that hopefully this is an old build but then asked the obvious question why show that at all. Anyway, they did mention though that it does capture the essence of the original stalker (which I haven’t played), where it’s not hospitable, feels like you’re at a bad situation at all times or something, if that means anything to people who’ve played it.


The orginal had a ton of jank. But it was dripping in atmosphere which saved it.

It would be a huge shame if that is missing, because for me tgat was uts defining feature.

Not to mention Halo does look damn good. Especially when they start flexing their different environment types in the multiplayer maps.

Halo is totally fine and with such high framerates and resolution in an open world even with the game being cross Gen. They really need to get the ATG team to help with fixing Slip-Space perhaps Slip-Space 2.0. The gunplay here dare I say is the best and to me better than Doom, Destiny and maybe even Titan Fall. The feel is just amazing. I hope Microsoft is building an engine team or something like ATG for game engines.

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They clearly need a lot more time and I say take it, take all the time you need. There is no need to rush things. I’m at a point where I hope they delay it, unless it won’t make a difference but I highly doubt that.

Now looking back at that trailer during a Xbox show that they passed off as gameplay…sheesh man, damn! :pensive:

Clearly it shouldn’t have been there yet, damn. Truly makes you wonder what the “gameplay” footage we’ve had so far truly was then. Man this is disappointing.

The difference is staggering.

Hopefully they just need a lot more time and resources. It would be nice if they were taken in under Xbox publishing, made it a full exclusive and got tons of support.