XboxEra's 2025 Backlog Challenge |OT| Games...So Many Games!

Honestly the whole wrapping of the game up as history that he’s telling to the cop of how things happened (not a spoiler cause the game starts that way) and then yeah the ending, that was very well done. I was definitely impressed with all of the storytelling in it.


+1 Killing Time: Resurrected

Total -1


Was going to pick up Kingdom Hearts in the Xbox sale. Never played the franchise. Anyone got any recommendations which to buy first / how the games have aged?

Just get 1.5/2.5 HD ReMix or whatever its called ignore 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue unless you just don’t care about the price, the first collection has everything worth playing and experiencing to then play Kingdom Hearts 3. The other collection is the bad 3DS game, a tech demo and prerendered cutscenes.

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Another week, another update! In case you are wondering why not everyone gets an “@” notification every week, there is a limit of 10 mentions in a post here… Since there’s 12 of us, and I always exclude myself for obvious reasons, I’ll rotate out one random person every week from the notifications. I think most of you check in here anyway, but just wanted to explain that a little bit. Keep up the good work everyone! :slight_smile:

The Leaderboard:

  1. @MasterLeePhD 10

  2. @Knottian 6.5

  3. @profjjj 5

  4. @Zip 4.5

  5. @vrinn 4

  6. @ACyberRazorCut 2

  7. @TechWendigo 2

  8. . @ Mort 1

  9. @Widey85 0

  10. . @ SilentJay76 -0.5

  11. @Searsy82 -1

  12. @APOPHIS1989 -6


-6? I didn’t realize it was that bad! And only going to get worse when I buy Alan Wake 2 and preorder Assassin’s Creed Shadows this week! Though I have mostly been playing Game Pass games… Maybe I should go back to attempting one backlog completion each week? Help!


Have faith! The completions will come. I have a slow start too :wink:


-2 Alan Wake 2 deluxe edition

I enjoyed my time playing the first, and heard good things about this one. The deluxe edition is on sale for the rest of the week, which includes the game and 2 DLCs.


DOOM 2016 +1
Wow, what a game! I started this when it first released, but at the time, my kids were young, and we had just moved into our new house, so I only really got stuck into the multiplayer. Then when I eventually got around to playing the campaign, it gave me motion sickness, which was surprising since I don’t really suffer from motion sickness in any other game. I just turned off the bobbing and set the FOV to 100, and that did the trick. As a big DOOM fan, I really wish I got around to it sooner! It’s probably how every kid envisioned the original looking as a kid. I love all the little callbacks too. Definitely in my top 50 favourite games. RIP & TEAR!

DOOM Eternal +1
DOOM 2016 ADHD edition. I really don’t get the hate that it gets. I like how they managed to switch up the formula from the last game and add even more nostalgic enemies and callbacks from the original games. Much more story and lore.

DOOM Eternal - The Ancient Gods Part 1 +0.5
Action-packed DLC that offers a more of the same experience with new areas to explore, an engaging storyline, and epic battles that go on for far too long.

Just have one DLC to play and then the wait for DOOM The Dark Ages.


Only 0.5 for a DLC :wink:

I also got motion sickness from DOOM 2016 so never returned to it, maybe I should try it again…

My bad. I would definitely play around with the settings and see if they make any difference. The game is too good to miss.

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Yup. I rarely get motion sickness. But Half-Life 2 (completion incoming) really hit me hard. Changed the FOV from 75 to 90 and all was good.

Head bobbing and motion blur are also worth experimenting with. I feel like reducing camera/look sensitivity also helps. Might be a personal thing, though.

  • +1 - Capcom Fighting Collection: Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition (XOne) - I apparently went through the US version which is supposed to be harder. Definitely makes sense for how long it took me to get through with the multiple characters lol.

Total = 7.5


+0.5 Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Spectreglass DLC

A different friend saw that I had been playing the game and offered to help me go through the DLC! We went through one and a half of them yesterday. Hopefully I will be posting the other DLC completions soon!


-1 Marvel Vs Capcom Collection

Total -2


How should I rank the DLC’s for FFXVI btw I forgot to even factor those in, Echoes of the Fallen was like 2-3 hours tops basically a boss tower but The Rising Tide was much longer with its own contained story and quests, both +0.5? or together a +0.5?

Currently playing Ninja Gaiden Black (OG Xbox) game is really stressful, I do not recommend as an action adventure romp but it’s good I think? I bounced of this game when it was added to the BC program because I was playing it like DMC or Bayonetta and got destroyed, it’s not those games, it’s methodical and emphasizes the right tool for the right job. I’m about halfway through I think.

Extremely tempted by Slitterhead but its still a bit too expensive and I don’t want to lose points lol.


+2: Half-Life 2 + Episode One + Episode Two (Steam)

Was debating whether to play the PC or Xbox version first. Went with PC, since I still have Geforce Now for another month, letting me play it on the TV.

The game is… fine. Considering the insanely high ratings, I was maybe expecting too much. It still looks pretty good for its age, but it’s also a bit janky in places. Would’ve obviously had a much bigger impact 20 years ago. (Twenty years??)

I actually enjoyed Episode One a bit more than the main game. Episode Two dragged on a bit and the final Strider battle is just plain frustrating and unnecessarily long. I got through it with plenty of save-spamming in the end, though.

Overall another solid 7/10 for me (from a modern perspective.)


Those are 0.5 points each as proper DLC.

I’ll add a +1 for you next week!


I tried to play this on Xbox (The Orange Box) and got violently sick, actually threw up and had to go to bed. Worst game I’ve ever played as far as my motion sickness issues go. Old shite I’ll never touch again.

On the PC version you can change the FOV. I got motion sick during my first session and had to quit. But after adjusting the FOV from 75 to 90, I didn’t have any problems. I just had to re-adjust it for every session, since it wouldn’t save the settings for some reason.

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