Lol it didn’t leak. I’m just making a guess
phil aaron sarah mat all the main people on your podcast or a bunch of guest podcasters grub, gaz,asa, miles, colt etc
Well you gotta take a guess at least!
MOBA Network buying XboxEra
This time the Staff actually gets paid!
Lol I think y’all got in the anniversary video
You deleted the Xbox Twitter account?
Ohhh that’s an interesting guess. Can’t wait to find out what it is.
I was just thinking about that. Not a bad suggestion.
What the heck is going on? This is so intriguing. Is xboxera now running inside xbox?
the countdown ends before the anniversary video airs so I don’t think this would be it?
John and Nick have probably convinced Joey from friends to join the xboxera team
A official partnership with Xbox? Whatever it is, it’s gonna be good.
Some much Hype around Xbox right now.
You know now seems like a good time to add Mass Effect LE to Gamepass…
Judging by the positioning of your hands, the length they apart and the grin…
One of a kind XboxERA Themed Series X that can be won.
I am guessing an official partnership with Xbox of some sort.
XERA running on Azure Servers announcement
:nickthink: OtherERA acquires XboxERA? :nickthink: