Xbox multi platform discussion

That would be silly as they would have to address every leak. You don’t see Nintendo or Sony going after leaks like that. They don’t need to address the leaks all they need to do like someone said is get their messaging on point. This multiplatform situation shouldn’t be a hurdle if people understand it but instead it’s looked as Xbox folding. The Xbox everywhere idea is new and since nothing like it has been done before the certainty of where and how it goes is something that isn’t yet assured. They are in my opinion still to some point testing things.

I personally think the decision of porting Xbox games to other consoles was throwing the towel in the console space. Yes, this was moved by the circumstances of the business, but it represents way more than that.

Higher-ups didn’t want or cared about waiting for the idea of Xbox consoles being able to have top-tier quality exclusive contents to penetrate in the collective mind share (this would have needed to be supported by marketing efforts of course). Higher-ups just cared about making more money asap.

And here we are. What I find truly saddening is that many Xbox fans buy this and say “I don’t care about others enjoying Xbox games” and “Now Xbox is getting more games than ever”. Allow me to remind you that Xbox consoles sales are tanking at record speed, incentives to buy one of those for anyone outside of the ecosystem are pretty much zero.


zero incentives? what about a gamepass?, and you are sad because many doesn’t have doom n gloom mind like you, you just want win an pointless internet war, about sales ps5 isn’t growing too much, they started to sell less than ps4, even if ms was full exclusive wouldn’t make an scratch because it would require sony making very big mistakes repeatedly to change anything

man just go to pc, be happy, we don’t need emotional people on community

I feel like they should market Play Anywhere even more tha never to be honest. Cause i feel like that would be a very strong argument to invest in the ecosystem like many folks have already suggested. But that’s just my opinion.

Also, everything we take as fact using leaks is not smart in any way, as it just builds paranoia and trouble for many folks, who just want to enjoy what they have and not be dragged into this scenarios.

Another note that some forget is, its becoming VERY likely we could be seeing some Playstation games on Xbox sooner than some would imagine if heck i think we might find ourselves looking at the end of the year and have a decent laugh if my gut is telling what i think its telling me.

So Antonyo, i understand your pain, i do only use Xbox hardware and i am currently sent on trying to gain a pc handheld in the future if i can get a good job in the future still, but do not take away that Xbox has been commitent in preserving digital libraries and THAT my guy is something Playstation not even Nintendo has NEVER done right for its costumers. As a matter of fact, i kid you not, i bet next gen hardware playstation will do the exact shady crap they pulled and they will be in a ruder awakening than some are thinking by the way current kids are taking gaming.

You should be able to accept a difference of opinion without getting responses like this, this is my opinion is as much of an emotional response as to those that you’re criticising. But it’s the emotion of not wanting to hear anything they perceive as negative.

I kind of relate these discussions to those similar following my football team. We’ve had some seriously bad owners over the past 20 years.

There has been discontent toward the owners and whether it be on Twitter forums or in the stadium there have been arguments & protests against these owners.

This results in a divided fan base, some just want to go watch the game and don’t want to hear protests even chanting to fans support the team or fuck off home in the stadium, the highlighted response reminds me of that

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Let’s be sensible and one isn’t on about every leak. But MS could come out say right now that Gears isn’t coming to PS nor are the likes of Forza and instead confirm what games are destined for the PS5 this year and kill off the speculation.

Your point about SONY and Nintendo I don’t get really since there is no talk or hope of any Nintendo game coming out on a Xbox and I would put to you that other that pure speculation’ on this board there is hardly any talk or hope of any In-House SONY game coming out on XBox; The best us Xbox fans can hope for is the likes of Silent Hill 2 Stellar Blade coming to Xbox

Dean ThePastyBandit gets it. It’s a shame this person isn’t working at the top of Xbox PR.

if you look the post i responded, especially the part of [What I find truly saddening is that many Xbox fans buy this and say “I don’t care about others enjoying Xbox games], also this guy doesn’t respect opinion of people that doesn’t buy the fud thing

using your analogy, there’s the other side that says the fans that aren’t following their opinion are cause of supposedly “problem”

The argument was that protesting in the stadium doesn’t do the team and players any good, but the problem was the owner was the overall problem. But some fans didn’t want to hear it and were just focused on the actual game of football. But the bigger picture was the owner needed to go for the football on the pitch to get better.

And that’s what happened. The protesting and the atmosphere wasn’t good at the time but it was what was needed even though some didn’t like it

so you are saying indirectly phil is bad ceo of xbox?

ok I understand the situation of your favorite football team, but xbox isn’t in bad shape to make an comparison of this

No I’m not saying that

I was more making the analogy of some fans shouting others down for being critical.

There can be 2 sides and both be right. In certain regards

I don’t like seeing any who disagrees being dismissed as a console warrior.

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They’re gone, for good.


The moment you deny one but don’t deny others you’re opening it up for “that must be true”. That’s why you can’t deny anything on the whole


Why are people expecting MS to make definitive statements? Nobody does that. Even Sony and Nintendo don’t come out and say “XYZ is NEVER coming out on other platforms.” It is only expected to be the case. Obviously MS is avoiding locking themselves into a position, it really is on a case by case basis. If they ever reverse a decision about exclusivity either way it’ll be “MS LIED!” and everyone knows it’ll be the biggest deal ever to ever occur in gaming if that were to happen.

It’s simple really, the expectation should be “nothing is set in stone” that’s it. If you have an Xbox the games are coming, if you have a PS and want to know if Xbox games are coming, too bad just sit and wait like Xbox does for those Sony moneyhats.


Xbox used to talk a lot more, especially to the community. That was ruined forever, last year, and people are still adjusting to it.


Perfect example of the community flag system working in swift, proper fashion :slight_smile:

To the community: really proud of how quickly you all are to protect those that need it, warms my heart.


Exactly! Sony had in the past, just to be wrong. Here is the infamous Insomniac proclaiming Spiderman will never be on PC, twice no less. This shows why nothing definitive should ever be declared. Things change. They always do.

it will never appear on Xbox or PC. It’s a permanent PS4 exclusive publisher by Sony Interactive Entertainment

it’s exclusive to PlayStation so it won’t be coming to PC.


I don’t think they should be making definite statements, I think the horse has already bolted in regards to controlling the narrative in that respect.

What I would have liked to have seen was MS give Xbox until the end of this year when they had the games line up hitting full flow then have some joined up thinking between the PR and business side.

It would have given Xbox a year of good will producing some some games like Indiana Jones creating that bit of FOMO & would have possibly driven some console sales and gamepass subs

In the meantime I would have been doing what they are doing now working on the play anywhere strategy making these announcements as they have putting in people’s mind that this is the future continue building that narrative up to the next console launch

Then at the end of this year following a full year of likely hit games which again allows Xbox to gain that positive feed back and allows the brand to get stronger then begin the multiplatform push this would mean Xbox was at least coming from a strong perspective with forward momentum as opposed to a standing start like they have which means they are easy to punch down upon from the media types.

But finally when the push does begin they are a year further down the line with all their cloud play anywhere infrastructure etc

& they can a marketing campaign on 2 fronts they definitely do this is an Xbox ad campaign as they have done but with everything working better

& also and ad campaign with hits like Indiana jones, COD, avowed, south of midnight, doom etc

With the simple message

PlayStation= £70 Switch= £70 Xbox= free

That pointed message that the mainstream knows the value even though they can get games on the other consoles

That’s the joined up approach I’d have liked to have seen.

I understand the approach I just think the implementation of it has left them open to be ridiculed, starting from a weak position.

Now I know people are going to bring up the business implications they need growth etc etc

I understand that I get why they are doing it but it doesn’t mean the implementation is correct even it is forced upon them or that no one can say this isn’t doing the brand good whilst in turn it might be making the business money.

I think many are anxious to know what exactly is going on. However, waiting to do all this would be simply delaying the inevitable as what’s pushing them to go in this direction won’t change in a year. The implementation or messaging I can agree could have used some work but there’s been no precedent for them to follow or learn from and in a sense none of this has been implemented just rumored so I don’t think we can yet blame them on that.

The problem is there are just not many Play Anywhere titles and it would be best if they mandated it for developers but to do that, they have to get their store right first. I think the Xbox OS or whatever Jason Ronald spoke of is the way forward for them. Bringing the complete Xbox and PC unified experience to all devices. There are games on Xbox PC that are not on consoles that with a unified experience would.

It’s funny a google search shows the Xbox store has 12525 games while the PlayStation store has around 4100 games, Epic games store 2900 and Steam has over 101,000 games.

I think what Xbox is doing will be vindicated in the long run

There are over 1400 Play Anywhere games, it’s not a small number.