Xbox Game Studios |OT8| Leaving The Drought Behind And Heading For Starfield

I can still see them doing a disc console next gen

Whether its because of them wanting to do good by the people that still want physical and people that still have disc BC games or the more cynical reason, because if they dont have a version with a disc drive and Sony do, people will use it to poop on xbox again

I think creating a disc option, even if its in limited quantities like Sony have done for the PS5 digital is a better move than providing no option at all

Only way that happens is if they do some sort of Fallout collection

Otherwise I can see them randomly going back and doing something specifically for FO4

It is hard to say what’s gonna happen in 5 years.

The issue with not putting out a disc version of a console is that retailers don’t particularly like stocking a product that they can’t they then sell games for. The consoles don’t make them a ton of money, it’s selling the games/accessories. PlayStation stopped selling POS cards for its games, but maybe Xbox can get away with it if they went hard in this direction.

Fallout 4 needs its Special Edition like Skyrim

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This is why MS has made a deal with Gamestop to give them a cut of digital sales on every game/DLC bought on the Series S, they could do this to keep them happy. They can still make profit on controllers, headsets and other things like collectors editions.

Have any hfw sales figures been revealed yet?

We got a roadmap for AoE4 but not for Halo Infinite :skull:


If you thought the game of chicken announcing the consoles was bad this time around just wait until they both need to drop that bomb next time.

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Well, AoE 4 came out in October (roughly 5-6 weeks before Halo Infinite’s official launch) and the roadmap was just revealed close to the public update preview.

I am not saying that 343i should not release the roadmap sooner - my point is that even the AoE team has taken a while to get a roadmap out.


Was going to say something similar to this.

Though I was also going to say aoe had a “draft roadmap” in december or January.

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I’m expecting that over 90% of the sales for ES VI on Xbox will be digital.

I’m just going to leave this here… seeing a lot of complaints but armchair devs these days… while COVID is still very much affecting dev:

Really should be required reading…


Halo Infinite is a GAAS. You always have a plan for when you release new content for these kind of game. And new maps ≠ new game. Dev time is different and not equiparable. If the new season won’t bring a lot of new stuff… that won’t be pretty. The multiplayer is as good as dead on PC.

I am always fascinated how many peoiple is needed for GaaS games. You would think that developing DLCs is easier, but the amount of people working on the support for those games is enormous.

So… you didn’t read any of it then? Cool


No, I read it. And it is exactly what I was saying. They HAD plans. They didn’t pan out. Basically, they f up. And it shows.

Why can Fortnite, Apex, Rainbow Six keep updating regularly and Halo can’t? Workforce for sure . But if that is the problem, hire more people. And don’t tell me MS can’t afford more people after all the acquisitions to mantain their flagship IP…

And it’s also about management, and we all know what happened with Halo Infinite management, right?

Developpers shouldn’t be surprised if their games aren’t played anymore if they don’t release content regurarly with a clear roadmap. It’s 343i 3rd game and other developpers did the same mistakes. You would assume they’d learn a lesson or two about it.

I think 343i is fine with people dipping out when they are tired of the content and coming back when they add new stuff. :person_shrugging:

Besides, we know there wouldn’t be any new content for six months, but people are freaking out over a roadmap lol.

I hope they will be back. HI is still a great game. But PC gamers are different from Console gamers. Once a thing is done, they move on. At this point, I think only a BR could save this game on Steam.

Yeah it’s just a slow period that people will forget about. 343 will adapt.

Yeah, PC def moved on, but I think console is salvageable. I think they will need either a BR or a massive PVPVE mode