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There is something KOTOR related coming, the question is whether its exclusive or not

This is what Jeff Grubb expects in 2023

  • Avowed
  • Fable
  • Perfect Dark
  • Everwild
  • Hellblade 2
  • Contraband
  • InXileā€™s next game
  • Compulsionā€™s next game
  • The Coalitionā€™s next non-Gears project

Hellblade 2 is going to blow peopleā€™s minds.


Iā€™m confident as neither PD or Fable hit in 2023. TC are a good shout, as is Compulsion and Inexile but inthink 2024 is more likely

Fable has been in production since 2018


I donā€™t think InXile or Hellblade 2 makes it.

2024 Iā€™m certain off for Fable. Like no info just the same feeling I had with Starfield. Itā€™s coming later then everyone thinks

Not everwild.

Depends on how hard that reboot was tbh.

Supposedly that list according to Grubb, is from Microsoftā€™s ā€œinternal release scheduleā€ā€¦

Obviously any of these can slip out of 2023, but 3-4 at least should make it.


Gregg mayles is like Jo Staten at 343, he just gets shit done. Iā€™m not ruling out 2023 yet


Everwild is a debacle.

Matt Booty really needs to enforce a deadline on Rare.

The game was unveiled in 2019.

So many unknowns about that time though: They are building up the studio alongside the game, new genre/type of game and COVID-19. You would think 5 years is enough but Iā€™m a bit unsure about this one too.


Iā€™m starting to sound like @Hindle again lol.


So he should enforce a deadline on a game that just got rebooted?


If I had to choose the 3-4 ones I feel most confident about landing in 2023 from that list Iā€™d say:

Avowed. Contraband. Compulsion (maybe). TC special project.

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Avowed. Contraband. Hellblade. The Coalition.

I TCs next game will be small tho

I mean itā€™s not like Microsoft desperately needs Everwildā€¦ they have the opportunity to do it right with the new creative director and actually nail down a actual gameplay loop.

Weā€™re getting Forza, Psychonauts 2, Halo, Redfall, Starfield, Deathloop etc in the next 18 months. Plenty of first party releasesā€¦ Everwild is a after thought at the moment.


He should have enforced a deadline on the game after its first CGI trailer.

Instead what has Rare been doing all this time ?

Itā€™s not like Rare isnā€™t crazy successful atm either :wink: Theyā€™ll get the time they need.