Played CD1&2 I can say they’re unplayable prototypes for these days. CD3 is the real game. But the rage surrounding it from both Gamers & Media was too much because the lack of exclusives and diversity the Xbox platforms has during the last few years, now Xbox has the largest 1st party organization with big names, famous IPs in different genres. Nobody now wants CD to be other game than CD and I’m sure Crackdown 4 will have different reception if it comes in future.
Played CD3 campaign nearly 50 hrs, more than any of Halo/ Gears series campaign combined! That’s incredible from a “junk” game right?
The rage surrounded most of Xbox games during last years including Sea of Thieves & State of Decay 2 but today gamers view has changed about these games and start accepting it as it is and the reason is the exciting XGS news we has from time to another.
Anyway, what I want from CD4 is to introduce 4 main characters each one with his unique gameplay, playing with one is totally different experience from the other one + unique storyline
Agent Jaxon “updated”
Doppelganger “example”
Swordman “example”
Grappler “example”
Dark Jaxon “supposed to be in CD4”
Didn’t like the big number of characters in CD3 who played the same, also introducing more “main” characters with completely different gameplay will bring new players to Crackdown universe. And I think this is the big step for the franchise.
I adore Outer Worlds. Only way I see it being abandoned is if a deal can’t be done to take full rights. Obsidian might also jump at the chance to do something else first of offered Fallout or something though.
Yeah, agree with you on this. I’m currently playing Crackdown 3 and I’m having a blast. Just as fun as the first game.
I don’t get certain peoples aversion towards this game, and series as a whole. It’s pure fun, a sandbox to fool around in while trying to find hidden stuff. Sure it’s no award winner or masterpiece, but does every game have to be that? Why is not fun good enough?
This discourse that “Xbox need to put resources elsewhere” that comes up whenever a game or a series the person does not enjoy themselves is extremely childish and full of entitelment. One thing that we all want is to have a diverse library for a diverse crowd. I do not like JRPG’s, but I hope Xbox fund their own just to cater to those that do like them.
Tires me to no end when people throw around words like “this games is shit” etc., like it is an objective fact. Is it so hard just to say, “its not a game for me, because such and such”?
So yes, more Crackdown please! Let the series live on and let Xbox cover niche genres and have games flourish even if they do not cater to everyone.
Some push back is essential from Obsidian fans like us for half-assed opinions out there about Obsidian. Amazing studio. Needs fan support like Arkane and inXille.
The IGN take was the most bizarre. I’m also tired of Fallout NV2 takes. Need Avowed and OW2 and whatever Josh Sawyer is working on .
Regarding infinite the voice actor for master chief also said November last week
Loves the storyline of infinite while he wasn’t a big fan of 5’s called it “interesting”
Loved 4’s direction of chief
Thinks it will be outstanding
He does not think people will be Disappointed least he hopes
He thinks there’s more room for the direction 4 had for chief’s character
Hasn’t worked directly with staten since he came on board
Jeff Gardiner says: The transition to working with Microsoft has gone very smoothly and we’re excited to be able to partner with them for all things Fallout into the future.