Xbox Game Studios |OT3| Once more....with feeling (Part 1)

Old concept art but still really cool.



very random… humm… :chief_think:


Suspicious, but I doubt it is Avowed related. Maybe Outer Worlds?

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2nd expansion of TOW is supposed to release this month according to Take-Two. If it’s anything, it could be related to that.

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Its just a tweet


This. :point_up:

but Grounded 1.0 can be too.

Grounded just released the 0.7 version. I don’t think that it will release before the Summer.

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I hope we will see some the next gen footage or something on some of MS events.

But what does it meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean? :doge:

Like I get everyone wants news but some of these tweets are just tweets.

Saw somebody rush to reddit saying Hellblade 2 looks insanely good with the set of pictures NT shared. Like what.

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forums are for that :stuck_out_tongue:

How good does it feel that well have two Skyrim-like games coming for this gen? Avowed has insane potential to go above and beyond.


Xbox Game Studios |OT4| scores and 8 years ago our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new Xbox

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This series with Hugo Martin playing through Doom Eternal is amazing

I’ve only listened to this episode but his outspoken skill-based game dev takes can be injected straight into my veins.

We’ll see on 10th of April then.

I bet the rush is so people pay for the Yuffie DLC because as far as I know, that won’t be included

what’s on the 10th?

Everyone, as Nick’s already mentioned ad nauseam, take the non-XGS talk to the Community Thread or their appropriate areas. Thanks.

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Sorry man, only just after the flagging I noticed we were in the wrong thread. We’ll continue there.

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