Xbox Game Studios |OT2| It's pronounced "Krayg" not "Kreg"

That’s a great example, really makes it look more realistic.

Obviously someone was going to do this… :man_facepalming:

I dont know if its a real Xbox Series X.

Man, that physically hurt me.


Lets spend 500 dollars so I can break it like what is wrong with people


I think its a fake XSX. Done with a 3D printer, the components do not conform to a real XSX.


I hope

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For a second I thought it was going to hold :joy:


I think the giveaway is the fan, it’s tiny. Plus the grill doesn’t have the green inlay.


I think we all know what is wrong with people. :pensive:

That sucks. My fedex console went out for delivery today, at 4pm they sent me an update saying it wouldn’t be delivered until tomorrow… Then it randomly showed up a couple hours later.

My wife’s console is stuck with Canada Post. Originally scheduled for tomorrow or Monday it’s now saying the 23rd. If that’s true it’ll be the slowest Amazon package I’ve ever ordered, including COVID. And I was a first half hour preorder with Prime. Think I’ll be leaving a “review” about that.

I’m thinking it’s not… Not a glimpse of that big silver heat sink when it blew apart…

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I found the source, in 4k. And I can say that it is a fake Xbox Series X. BUT, this does not mean that someone will buy XSX or PS5 and destroy them because of views… :man_facepalming:

Xbox series x launch vibes


AC Valhalla. PS5 vs XSX… They load at the same speed.

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why you gotta do us like that bro


Glad to hear that! Did you use the setting recommended by Vincent?

Oh yes, the system level calibration was overdue. Auto-HDR needs it and its nice to see games already using this information.

I think Quick Resume might be breaking achievements in AC Valhalla :frowning: 10 hours in and just realized a few story-related achievements didn’t unlock.

That’s odd. Hope they fix that.

I believe this was an issue on the Xbox One too, I haven’t experienced it myself but I heard that leaving a game open after closing the Xbox One does cause issues relating to achievements. So it most likely is the Quick Resume doing it. Really unfortunate, I hope there can be a fix soon.