That’s not releasing this year, so I don’t think he was referencing that.
They said no spot for a game releasing next year
Just watched the Dragon age gameplay reveal. I thought people were being OTT with their reactions to the cinematic so I held off commenting but this gameplay was so average.
Enemies literally spawning and standing still, not reacting to being hit. I hope that was for the sake of this demo, but even then I question why theyd choose to show the game off this way. For me it made the game look almost mediocre
Yeah, I have to admit it looked a bit average. However, I’m waiting to see more.
I think it looks great, but yeah on second viewing the enemies could be more challenging. Some of them are awaiting their turn, lol.
Hopefully it’s solely toned down for demo purposes, just like we saw with South of Midnight. But in that case the boss was just too easy in terms of how fast it died.
As a huge DA fan, I feel like combat isn’t in my top 10 worries. It was the only decent thing in Anthem! And good in andromeda.
Character creator sounds excellent and a lot better than one recently extremely overrated WRPG I won’t mention.
I’ll be honest, I want to know which one you’re referring to.
Dragon Age looks kinda Mid
If you are talking about BG3 you’ve just made yourself a powerful enemy
Jokes aside, as a huge WRPG fan, i’m a bit sad i should be celebrating both DA and Avowed but i can’t get hyped for any, i will play the latter one since i’m suscribed to GP but
Luckily there are a good amount of games from other genres that are looking great for the next 6 months, starting with Stalker 2, which should have some RPG elements too.
Lol if it is the one we think - I’ll mention it as I’m well documented as hating it
BG3 was overrated as fuck lol, I know it’s a D&D game but rolling the dice for everything and how much you could miss just did my head in.
“Roll the dice to see where this girl disappeared” - failed, so apparently my character is blind and I’ll never know what happened to her.
Also managed to miss a companion pretty early on I think - and the combat drags so much, it’s dull as hell.
If it wasn’t for the fact it had nudity and the weird bear sex stuff - plus allowed PC gamers to be all superior, then PS5 ones because they got it before Xbox - I doubt the game would have got half the acclaim it has…
Just to let yall know…the positive energy that everyone feels about the show, we feel the same inside from the people I’ve talked to. We are excited about the games just like the rest of you!
PERFECT DARK BABY! (My personal favorite with my other being South of Midnight)
Well I guess I’ll find out when I play the game in the future, if the style of gameplay is for me. As so far with Larian of the 2 games I’ve played I have had a miss(DOS1) and a hit(DOS2).
Guess you’ll have to toss the dice to see if you like this one
If it’s anything like Morrowind, I’m going to spec to one weapon type for best chance of hit and increase attributes needed find stuff.
If it’s anything like DOS2, there will be a single talent/background that’s actually useful. Scholar for DoS2, because if we didn’t or had a party member with it, we get locked out of some things that could help with leveling.
Keep up the great work, I’m not sure we’ve ever seen a platform holder with so many studios and up coming great games.