Xbox Game Studios |OT12| The One with Starfield and Activision Blizzard King

Your opinion is wrong. You’re welcome.

maybe you should deviate this discussion about Starfield in the Starfield OT.

I guess you guys didn’t read HHGttG, the guide literally had an entry just for you. :slight_smile:

“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”


Gamers thinking if you cut content you get more content elsewhere is hilarious to me and will always be out of touch with reality. The thousand planets did not take away from the hundreds of hours of handcrafted content across the game.


Brother do you know about the concepts of focus and resource allocation in project management?

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Even if they cut down the total amount of planets to 30 or whatever, people would still be complaining about the amount of content, procedural gen was always going to be needed

It would have still been cut content, as most of the hand crafted stuff takes place in about 8-9 systems. So a lot of unique animals, atmospheres that create different color pallets, landscapes would be lost because they wouldn’t be able to fit it all in the more limited scope.

Edit: encounters in space too. Also the complaints about people being close to temples would go through the roof. Nevermind that no one would even be able to enter a temple without having touched an artifact or someone that has.


I can’t.


In this instance I’m not arguing for anything specific about the game, just against the opposition from @Resist to the idea

Gamers thinking if you cut content you get more content elsewhere is hilarious

Which is not easily wrong in a broad sense, but specifically in game development it’s observable in analysis and can be heard straight from the mouths of devs. It’s not controversial whatsoever.

We got Grounded 2 before GTA 6!


The teams working on the planets and creating them are not the same teams working quests, characters, narrative,character progression, etc. If hose teams responsible for creating the procedurally generated planets created less content, the other teams aren’t guaranteed to produce more “content”. That’s not how it works.

Yeah but then the team responsible for procedurally generated content would have less budget and the teams working other areas would have more. Assuming budget was real located.

Or they would just cut the budget. And speaking specifically for Starfield, I don’t think there is any parts that are missing budget, whether or not you think they were designed well or were hit for you is up for interpretation. At least compared to their previous games.

How can you not love these guys? Their humor is beautiful.


I love grass in video games, it’s a bit like water when I see beautiful grass or beautiful water I’m happy. I think Fable has the nicest grass I’ve seen so far I can’t wait to revisit the game later this year.

here is an example of a floor from Forza Horizon 5 so I imagine that Fable will have a very detailed floor You will obviously have to see the game outside of YouTube compression to really realize it.


Cool, but graphics fidelity was never the question about Playground’s Fable imo. We need to see some real gameplay this year, it’s time.

I absolutely agree, these small details really make video games feel real.

I know most people probably don’t care for stuff like this, but I look forward to when physics in games can make grass, water, fire or wind move more naturally or how it is impacted after you mess around with it.

Graphicly we are getting to a place where you don’t see each detail like you did in the past and so I hope future game engines go more into this direction, where you see things as simple as getting your hair wet in the rain in a game, to bigger things like how each wave is different if you in a ship.

Just to go back to grass imagine in the level it is a windy day and you get to see individual blades of grass swing back and forth in the wind, to even bigger things like a tree and it is rocking back and forth.

Now I understand stuff like that takes more processing power, yet that will make the game look and feel more real. So hopefully we will see that more often over a higher resolution or better graphics.

Well I think games like Crimson Desert and Doke-V from PearlAbyss use the power of the Cloud Azure and the next XBOX will have custom hardware based on Cloud and AI so I think we will have people who seem impossible like Flight Simulator.


I feel like part of the challenge here is readability - massive amounts of detail and such looks real pretty but doesn’t always translate into a clean visual language for the player to read. I had this trouble with Horizon Forbidden West - gorgeous game with tonnes of foliage and detail but sometimes it’s too much to visually interpret.