Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games


This looked great indeed! It’s amazing how different experiences the SP and the co-op look which is fine by me since I am planning on beating this solo (Lone wolf mode ON as always :stuck_out_tongue: ) and then I’ll probably do some co-op just to see how it is with friends. Can’t wait to play this!

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However, it should be noted that the job ad is hiring in Rockville. Zenimax Online leads the Elder Scrolls Online development in Hunt Valley. This should mean that this listing is unlikely to refer to Elder Scrolls Online.

Furthermore, we found another job listing for Associate Level Designer at Bethesda Game Studios in Montreal, QC, which also asks for multiplayer experience.

I really, really hope not. Keep a singleplayer game a singleplayer game, just like Starfield is. Some will say its all fine if they implement it properly, but I am afraid that some stuff will get left out because otherwise it wouldn’t work for MP too.


I really doubt this is for TES VI.

It could literally be anything. SpyTeam, the TES strategy game that Nick talked about, TES Online stuff, a mobile game…

But it mentions BGS, that “scares” me just a little bit.

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I’ve always wanted them to add an optional co-op option for one other person to play with you; similar to having a follower but they would get in the way less.

BGS have mobile projects in the works and the strategy game could easily be made by them as well. Same for SpyTeam.

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Now I do remember Todd saying Starfield and TES VI are SP a few years ago, but…things can also change.

Hmmm, I see, ok that’s better.

I would be fine if nothing at all would get cut because it wouldn’t work for multiple players. I look at Witcher 3 and I can’t imagine that if this had co-op it would have been the exact same experience, 100% how it is now.

All they would have to do is impose restrictions on the co-op member since it would still be a host driven game. things like tethering, zoning and dialog/cutscenes would be locked to the host.

Witcher is like all about the campaign though, ES the campaign is like side content while exploring the world. I think the exploration and immersive gameplay would benefit from an MP component.


But the site says:

However, it should be noted that the job ad is hiring in Rockville. Zenimax Online leads the Elder Scrolls Online development in Hunt Valley. This should mean that this listing is unlikely to refer to Elder Scrolls Online.

Seems it’s not 76.

Hmm, bit like Far Cry 5 did that. My brother did not see the conversations between me and quest givers. Not super ideal.

You think so? Hmm, for me personally it’s not needed. BGS games have always been SP experiences for me that work absolutely fine that way.

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No I think they will handle dialog similar to how BG3 is doing it, you can opt in to listen when the host is in a conversation

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I honestly think Xbox should be 500% more strict with their first party studios. That is not the quality we deserve.


Yeah that’s not good. That’s disappointing to see.


What a stupid decision. Deserve all the criticism this is drawing.


Just says that they don’t have enough time to optimize for 60fps modes and they don’t want to delay the game. I agree, all first party studios should be given a mandate on both performance and resolution modes.

More bad PR for this game, just sad lol but they shot themselves in the foot, no one else to blame.


I had always assumed it was 60fps only, lol. I guess they couldn’t get some of those frame rate issues smoothed out for the release and decided to temporarily remove the feature instead of having a bad framerate

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Makes me worry about what the game will look like in console. It’s not to much of a looker as it is and not it’s clear all the content we have seen is PC and with the fact they can’t even launch with a 60 fps mode I’m worried. Makes me wonder if they ate struggling to get it to even get a consistent 30… Coop might be real choppy