A few weeks ago I played Contrast, it’s a third person game in 30fps and it actually was fine. Even after having just played a 60fps game.
Yesterday I checked out Shadow Warrior 3 with the default settings, this means 30fps with motion blur enabled, it was one smearing mess, the game being so fast paced didn’t help either. Used performance mode instead and the difference was night and day.
It’s really clear to me how 30fps in a third person game is doable and acceptable, look at Witcher 3, RDR2. But as soon as it’s first person, it’s very jarring, it’s not pretty. For Starfield when you play in third person when just walking and exploring, it’s fine, not ideal, but fine. But in first person it’s not gonna be great. As much as I understand Todd saying he goes for graphics, I highly disagree when he said only something like Forza really needs 60fps.
Long story short, please have a performance mode! The absolute best case would be them using RDNA2 to the fullest.
I don’t think this has to do with 1st vs 3rd person camera. The original Halo Games all ran in 30fps and we’re perfectly fine. Some developers just know how to do smooth 30fps. The Forza Horizon games are another great example of a great feeling 30fps game. I think it has more to do with the motion blur they use and overall consistency. Some developers have always done this very well while some are very bad at this.
Back then we were fine with Halo in 30fps, but if you were to play them now after all these 60fps games? Eventually you will adjust, but it’s not great. I tried FH5 with the resolution mode but I couldn’t really adjust to it, it still felt very slow, almost dizzying compared to performance mode.
You do have a point about developers though. Take AC Valhalla for example, I find their quality mode unplayable, it is so juddery, while it is what seems to be a locked 30fps. But it’s fine in RDR2. Whatever BGS ends up going with, hopefully they have the best implementation there is. I wonder how Skyrim or Fallout 4 would feel now in 30fps. How is Fallout 76?
I do they should make clear to the Xbox users what they are going with, before launch. Ideally at the Direct where they hopefully show actual XSX footage.
How did you feel about playing Fallout 4 when it first released? I thought it was pretty good, the 60fps patch improved it, but it wasn’t hard to play or looked messy too me.
Back then it was fine, but remember that with Xbox One X we still had many games in 30fps. I would say that most games now since Xbox Series launch have been 60fps or had a option for it.
However, I do remember playing CoD, BF and Halo 5 on One X and then having to go back to 30fps in Fallout 4 wasn’t the end of the world, I adjusted quite easily. So it will work. The transition will always be jarring though. Good thing I won’t be playing anything else for a long time once Starfield drops.
But that’s not to say I wouldn’t welcome a performance mode with visuals mostly in tact with open arms.
Wow SkillUp’s segment on Redfall really needlessly FUD’ing. Spent the majority of the segment on the only 2 negative impressions out of about 40 from PCGamer and Giant Bomb.
It seems people just are fixed on the game and will bend the evidence to fit that now. Really disappointing take considering how hard of a time the game is being given pretty unfairly imo.
It’s been said a million times now (and to you specifically by me and @pg2g) that CPU is most likely the bottleneck for Starfield and not the GPU so even if they use RDNA2 to the fullest it will probably won’t do much to make a performance mode a reality considering that it’s the CPU that it’s being pushed to it’s limit by an ambitious game like Starfield.
Also we will definitely see 30fps 1st party games on current gen consoles because they are boxes with limitations/finite resources, anyone who can’t stand 30fps can always play those games on PC. It’s simple as that really.
fun fact: he was the one who complained that the timed exclusivity of death’s door on xbox hurted it’s potential sales and such on his review. an indie game of all games.
So far I think every first party game has had a performance mode, but you really expect there will be games coming that will be 30fps only? Perhaps that’s where mid gen refresh consoles will come in.
I’m not saying I fully expect Starfield to have a performance mode, but it wouldn’t shock me either. Todd may not care much for it, but I do think he and the team realises plenty of customers are so used to 60fps now that they’d have to take that into consideration as well. But I hope it all depends on how development is going, how far along they are and if it can be done in time for launch.
Oh, so he’s one of those? Disappointing, I like his content but it’s too bad knowing this.
As I said consoles have finite resources so if a developer chooses to push the GPU to it’s limits for an impressive presentation (see Hellblade 2) or push the CPU with it’s various systems/physics of course we will see 30fps only games. That’s the downside of console gaming, it’s convenient and cheap but you can’t have everything…that’s what PC gaming is for.
Mid-gen refresh consoles won’t also do much for CPU bound cases like Starfield because I doubt there will be a significant improvement in terms of CPU power in SX Pro. Just look at One X, many games had much better graphics/resolution than One S but kept the 30fps target for the same reason…CPU improvements were not enough to make a 60hz mode a reality. If anything I expect mid-gen refresh consoles (if they are a thing in the first place) to be better at RT and that’s it.
The funny part is that Death’s Door did great sales wise. lol
My opinion is that SkillUp is not worth anyone’s time but that’s just me.
Todd himself said in the Ryan McCaffrey interview that he likes having 30fps and 60fps options, and there are games (like Forza) where he prefers 60. But in his games specifically, he prefers 30, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t see the value in adding a 60 mode.
Especially wth the year delay, I think a 60 mode is likely.
Redfall is a very clear and intentional progression from what Arkane Austin was doing with Prey and Mooncrash. If you watch the Noclip documentary, you can see that Redfall is the logical next step from what they were already experimenting with.