Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

Should be the ultimate goal, but there is one Todd Howard right now. The game we got that he wasn’t as involved in was Fallout 76.

He needs to be grooming successor(s) if he isn’t already.

didnt sea of thieves end up as the number 1 bestseller in UK on launch week? the first xbox game to do so since halo 5 in 2015?

Found an article so you cant accuse me of talking bollocks

It’s official! Sea of Thieves is the number one game in the UK.


The issue with a two team BGS is that Todd seems to really value the team he works with, many of the team has either been with him either since the skyrim/oblivion, even morrowind days

That’s an extremely long time where you build trust, cohesion, communication etc and make the best products possible

If they were to build an entirely new team for one of the main games that would mean

  1. Todd isn’t directing which, yes will happen eventually and while ES6 will probably be his last ES it, might not be his last game in general so he’s not stopping anytime soon

  2. Hiring a massive amount of brand new devs with no history at BGS and yes, the vast majority of studios do this and I’m sure BGS themselves are constantly hiring new devs but I get the impression Todd values the people who have done this with him for a long time and there’s a big difference between hiring some new devs and making an entirely new team to make something new

Maybe I’m way off and maybe they will do this soon but I personally doubt it and I don’t think much is going to change, at least anytime soon and the long waits are just something that is always going to be a thing when it comes to these types of games

Based of nothing but memory, while SoT had a rocky launch in terms of reviews/content I don’t remember it doing badly in temr sof engagement

Obviously GP helped with that but GP doesn’t guarantee success either

Yeah - they also said in the Xbox Wire post that article is quoting that one week after launch it was already the best-selling Windows 10 game from a first party studio. So while GP was a huge help to the title (and I’m sure it definitely still is) - it seems to have done well with actual customers just like you’re saying.

Thank You for Supporting Our Sea of Thieves Voyage - Xbox Wire


Having tried SoT for the first time this week, it is absolutely incredible. Deserves all the success as it is an amazing product and art direction.

Those waves! That weather system! That skybox! The sailing gameplay is amazing!



New Minecraft (spin-off) game seems to be in development, and it uses Unreal Engine 5. Could be for a completely new game, but I personally think this is for Minecraft Dungeons 2.

“We are looking for you, a Senior Level Artist with experience in console game development, to join our friendly Stockholm studio and one of our new game teams.

" Working with one or several internal and external cross functional teams to create and implement high quality level art in Unreal 5, for both gameplay and cutscenes."

I also found a job post, that says specifically that this is Minecraft Dungeons related.

“Mojang Studios is looking for a Senior Gameplay Engineer to tackle the challenges of implementing gameplay features for the Minecraft Dungeons universe. This game has achieved great success and has a vibrant and engaged community of players”

The team consists of 50+ people, half of which are developers and the rest a mix of; designers, artists, audio designers, QA, build engineers and producers. We all collaborate closely within and across disciplines as well as with our partner studio in the U.K

That partner studio is probably Double Eleven, as Minecraft Dungeons’ director is liking Double Eleven’s job posts on LinkedIn.

Minecraft Dungeons was last updated in October 2022, so I think they’re done with that game. Dungeons used Unreal Engine 4, so I think this will be a sequel instead of live service content update because the job post mentioned Unreal Engine 5. Since Dungeons was a success, so Xbox probably greenlit the sequel.


Mojang Studios - Senior Level Artist

Senior C++ Gameplay Engineer at Mojang Studios


As a sidenote, while I was digging up info about Minecraft Dungeons, I found out that Minecraft Dungeons had a core team of only around 20 people working on it. Very impressive game for such a small team.


I’ve never played either of those. But that does sound good.


Seriously, this shot. Pun intended.


This is exactly why you actually don’t want a multi-team BGS.

It will be the next game. He just doesn’t want to commit to something that’s literally 10 years away. Anything could happen between now and then and he doesn’t want to say, “yes, Fallout 5 is next” until he knows for sure that it definitely is, just in case something changes.

He clarified to IGN that Fallout 5 will be sometime after TES VI but not necessarily the next game, but come on. It will be. Still, I understand why he doesn’t want to commit so early.

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What happened to Fallout 76?/j


Well here comes Zos with update 39 nerfing things again. Also, not fixing any of the problems that have been happening with the Necrom launch.

Okay… now that all of this crap is done and they don’t have to do the political song and dance anymore, can Xbox FINALLY allow us to stream games we own via xCloud like they announced over a year ago for a Fall 2022 release. I imagine they halted it due to regulatory pressure over a cloud gaming monopoly. Get this feature out there, please.