Xbox Game Studios |OT10| Here are the games

You are completely missing my point, Google trends aren’t a hype meter and comparing games like you are makes no sense for many reasons. For starters like I said you are comparing Redfall to established IP, so no shit they will have more hype. You are also comparing it to Starfield, a new IP which was announced back in 2018 and have had teasers and hype build up since.

Redfall was announced just last year so, you are comparing it to all titles that have had more time to build up excitement or are super old IP.

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I do agree that mindshare and social media engagement for redfall can be better . I think they need to up the marketing of the game unless they want to rely on word of mouth. However, I feel Redfall needs a marketing push because I believe Arkane games never really got that except deathloop which Sony did a great job marketing it imo


Google trends is a great way to tell the hype meter, even Jez cordon has used it on the Xbox Two podcast to discusss hype for games.

New IP or not, user engagement and people searching for games usually has a correlation with interest. And a lot of the time, Xbox will tweet about their own games that have hit big metrics.

I remember when Grounded was announced and people were passing on it. I think this was back at XO18. Now, it’s a big success for hitting over 15 million players.


Honest truth here is that marketing can only do so much for an Arkane game. Deathloop proved that pretty well, when it had the full backing of the Sony marketing machine, was in numerous events, had tons of trailers, commercials, etc.

What will give Redfall the chance of becoming a massive hit is Game Pass, as I’m sure all of us know. If the game is fun and well made, it will find a large audience through the service. Especially as MS will plaster it in front of every Xbox owner and game pass subscriber for weeks.


I didn’t even think of that. FF never really sells as much as big Wrpgs and to put it up against diablo is not a good move

Would you kindly take all this marketing talk to the existing topic for it!


Redfall will be good only downside is the coop locked progression imo. That will put off some people.

I just hope the gunplay is good for redfall. Plus, I’m more of a solo player since my friends don’t play these type of games , so I hope solo play is good. Anyways the game looks promising imo

Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if it plays better solo than co-op. The co-op limitations are kinda annoying (progress doesn’t carry over for everyone)


Co-op locked progression? What exactly does this mean? Let’s say I want to go for a solo playthrough.

This actually gave me more hope the game is for me. The co-op seems to be an afterthought rather than the selling point of the game, when it was announced I got the impression it was the other way around. There’s no way you launch a co-op focused game with that shitty system now, lol.


I’d have to check the exact wording but from what I remember it’s basically that when you play co-op, you’re more so a “guest” in the hosts world and your progress won’t carry over to your own save.


Good! I absolutely would be more than fine having to wait a little longer for Redfall and if Starfield is ready to take off, please do so! God I’d be so damn happy once we’re past the moment where they just give a concrete date and they stick to it. Anxiously awaiting that, ngl.

I do believe that if they announce it for say…June, it will stick. This delay is unusual as it is for BGS.

Oh, that I don’t mind at all personally. Gives me reason to go solo and take my time too, something that I just can’t really do when playing with friends. They will want me to keep up the pace, while I explore every damn corner, lmao. My playstyle.


Aye I get it. I felt this way when I heard Infinite wasn’t going to have co-op at launch. I didn’t mind that nearly as much as others out there because it meant I could do my own relaxed run first.

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If there has been an internal delay to Redfall, perhaps it’s so Arkane can eliminate the locked progression. I will be playing it fully solo so this doesn’t apply to me but I know that those who do play co-op will not be happy with their progression as a guest not carrying over to their own main play through.

I don’t see Starfield releasing in June. Regardless of if Microsoft owns ABK by then or not, Diablo IV is going to be Microsoft’s and I can’t see them releasing Starfield in the same month especially when both games are very PC oriented in regards to where the fan bases will be playing the game.

Can’t say I’d be mad if this ended up happening. A co-op system like that could hamstring the game’s popularity.

Agreed. And it would be a far better decision to “delay” the game and eliminate that restriction while still in development as opposed to releasing the game and fixing it post launch.

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I personally don´t care about the coop progression limit because my friends are Sony ponys so I am going to play this solo. I hope the story is enticing as well.

It being on Game Pass day one should mean these things don’t matter that much anymore, and Diablo very likely won’t be in the service either. But if not June, then May. Hell, let’s go for March I say.

Yeah, we’ll see.

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