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just played a bit of Jussant. i’m bullish on dontnod despite tencent owning 42%-- don’t know if it would be possible for MS to acquire them, but I’m certainly for it, if possible.


You guys, sometimes it’s better to just smile, nod your head and walk away. :smile:


Dontnod is one of those creative and interesting teams that doesn’t necessarily always hit, but I’d be happy to see them under Xbox if it just meant getting funding and the freedom to keep making the games they make.

Plus in general I’m always kinda surprised Xbox never dabbled with an episodic games studio like dontnod - feels like such content would be a natural fit for game pass.


Tell Me Why is precisely Xbox dabbling with the very thing you’re talking about… with Dontnod. I’ve long said they’d be a great fit… and if it meant they could take more risks and give me a Remember Me sequel, I’m down.


If they are going after Dontnod, then i want a vampyr sequel.


My understanding is that MS likes to bought “in-danger” studios. In that situation, being bought is seen as a delivery rather than an hostile takeover.

We should not look forward to MS buying studios partially owned by Tencent.

I want to see Microsoft at 50 studios by the end of 2025. Preferably this is done through a handful of independent studios and Sega/Capcom.

I lean towards Sega for gaming, but Capcom may be a better long term investment because the transmedia aspect of their top IPs is better.


I do to and I feel like it’s possible after the game awards I think we will get a multiple studio announcement like E3 2017, then once Microsoft recognize ABKs earnings in Q2 your going to see them hit the nuclear button.

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Capcom is great but they don’t have much in mobile

As for transmedia, they have Resident Evil that’s had 20 years for movies and outside of the first movie which was genuinely good imo, the rest have ranged from mediocre to horrid, although admittedly the Milla ones at least made good money

Everything else in the library has less potential than it does, regardless I don’t think movies and tv shows are as important as something like mobile is

They’re also more westernized and they are doing pretty well. I don’t see anything that Microsoft can do for them at this time. Like many have said SE is probably the best in terms of what they might be looking at especially since SE is kind of in a hole right now. You could see how happy and pleased they were when Phil Spencer showed up on stage for FF14. I do think Sonic is one of a few big draws for Microsoft to get Sega and I do wonder will that draw be there if Xbox can get a competent developer to revive Banjo.

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Wonder if Xbox will hold off on acquisitions due to the pending FTC appral and case?

Nope. The FTC ALJ Process is a complete non-issue.

The only thing possibly slowing down Microsoft Gaming acquisitions is the obscene levels of work still required to onboard Activision, Blizzard, and King.


A thought came to me…

Microsoft teases Hardware Microsoft teases Software Is Microsoft teasing Acquisitions ? :thinking:

A square for Bethesda

A Star for Rockstar Games

The time period that Aaron Greenberg posted the pancakes coincides with what Jez Corden said at 21:30 and his two reliable sources who told him that Microsoft’s next acquisition could be Take Two.

Aaron Greenberg also posted hedgehogs several times and Sarah Bond took a photo of the SEGA building in London after the FTC revealed emails from Phil Spencer suggesting that Satya Nadella and Microsoft get in touch with SEGA for an acquisition.

These things are not there by chance as Phil Spencer says when he generally teases something is brewing it is obvious that Microsoft was in contact with Take Two (I believe Jez and everything coincides) Phil Spencer even participated in an ITW with Strauss Zelnick.

Looking on his shelf we can clearly see the Red Dead Redemption 2 collector’s box and you see that in the image on the left he has put lots of things in front of it to hide it. We know that this shelf is used to tease things in the future, why did you hide the RDR2 collector’s item? He did this only on this item it’s strange there are too many conincidences I would like to see the entire shelf again to confirm.

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Yep and he was wrong because it was ABK. I’m sure they were looking at T2 and EA before ABK but it’s definitely off the table now.

This conversation of them going after T2 feels like deja vu at this point.

Maybe in another 5-10 years they will go after another ‘big’ publisher.


Always thought Telltale would have been perfect for Xbox

To me they’ve made by far the best stories in that style, I haven’t got round to a lot of them actually like Batman and Expanse but all TWD seasons were excellent and TWAU was up there with season 1 as their best work

I feel the format would be absolutely perfect for GP where they could either just drop it all at once to GP or release a new chapter every week/2 weeks/monthly


More embracer games shadow dropping into game pass. Too me feels like a purchase of some studios is coming. Possibly at game awards

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Because it is, and while I’ve said never say never - there are caveats to that, and we know without a shadow of a doubt that the FTC and CMA would have a field day, and would likely win that case. Even if they didn’t, they’d still manage to make the process and any concessions hell for Microsoft. It’s well passed the point of bad-faith at this point, it’s now entered the point of pulling up four year old absurdities to continue gaslighting. Enough is enough.


Microsoft only chance of getting another big Publisher that’s close to the size of ABK is if Sony gets one first and thats a big IF.

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Maybe in the current regulatory environment. Things change there all the time.