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That is true about Bethesda wanting control, yet I wish there would be a way to almost spin-off Bethesda as its own branch, then have something like a CEO that can direct the different divisions of Bethesda.

I don’t think Todd would be the best one for the job, more so a Peter Moore type, but have this person be a Phil Spencer kind of person that can manage multiple studios within Bethesda and rapidly increase their size too.

This also would be great to see at Rockstar too, because R* has more than just GTA & Red Dead that need new games. I remember reading the reason Agent was canceled was because they don’t have enough manpower or how Bully 2 was also canceled, plus the rumored Chicago Noir game too.

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It’s a good idea, atleast that way they can they acquire some of the support studios they’ve already worked with to sit underneath that structure.

Yes both R* and Activision TBH, we always hear about how resources are taken away for CoD but hopefully that changes soon.

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Well I don’t want Microsoft to make any more acquisitions and I definitely don’t want them to buy Steam lol

I can not believe it. What a fucking nightmare!


Cannot blame you.

I hate the current Xbox team and their little shitty investors.


At this point we should just close this thread


Agreed I was a big advocate of further acquisitions but I’m done with them acquiring now.


Agreed. And that’s for any major publisher acquisition’s (MS, Sony, T2, EA). There’s one thing that I wonder, what if MS also gave these studios the option of going independent like Toys for Bob? Did the studios not want too? Or is the economic and financing not viable right now?


At this point, the only game company I trust is Valve and a lesser extend Nintendo. I don’t want Microsoft, Sony, Tencent or the rest to ruin the gaming industry with more acquisitions.


There are also two ways to look at this, if these studios weren’t acquired they would have been shut down earlier because of Bethesda’s debt. They weren’t profitable studios for a long time now unfortunately.


Do not trust any of them, ever.


This is the funniest thing to me. Y’all are acting like acquisition should never happen because this happens now. This is the turning point it takes this to happen especially when the fact that now I see people equate Microsoft to be like embracer over this. Y’all need to get out your feelings and actually just learn that this industry is going through problems too. Everyone’s going to be shut in some studios down. Same with PlayStation but my God let’s let’s forget that these studios were in worst racing before the acquisition happened.




4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Microsoft Closing Some Beloved Studios

In Stephen Totilo’s most recent Game File newsletter, there’s this quote by Lars Wingefors of Embracer:

“We have done a number of divestments in the course of the year that we have not sent a press release on, and also for business reasons or confidentiality reasons, we can’t disclose the purchase price.”

I haven’t seen this particular quote discussed anywhere, but the fact that they’ve made divestments that aren’t yet public makes me ponder the possibility of Microsoft having perhaps picked up one of these divestments and will reveal this at their showcase…

Anyway, I know there’s been people hoping for Microsoft to grab some stuff from the Embraces fire sale, so thought I’d throw this out there.


There’s a certain price above which sales have to be public, which you’d imagine a lot of the obvious targets would be

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Doubt it but…

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I doubt it…

I’m pretty sure he didn’t say that but that he believes SE or Sega would be their target for acquisition or partnership.

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Also can’t find any proof that the ftc has dropped anything yet. The only thing I found was that one of their lawyers removed from representing them in the appeal.

If anyone can share anything that says otherwise I’d love to see it, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

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Xbox’s relationship is with SEGA is pretty solid in that I don’t see them missing out on many titles going forward so they should pick up Capcom because you know why.