Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

In my opinion, ABK represents a pillar in gaming that is noteworthy in that if anything were to happen to change the company, the effects spread throughout the gaming industry. In this case, Microsoft’s purchase of them imo make MS a part of that pillar and is just more confirmation that MS will never leave the gaming industry (despite alot of their haters wishing they leave).

As for the Embraer deal, nothing really changed. Except maybe better recognition than when these studios were under Square Enix.


All I hope is that when ABK is done, we aren’t just getting CoD and Overwatch support studios 1-10. Hopefully MS can break them free of that.


I thought they were on record saying the studios will essentially branch out to do other things.

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ABK alone generates slightly more profits than the entire PS division

Imagine what the could do under competent management.


Sony has always had relatively small profit margins. Around 10% for the whole company. SIE by itself had like 20b+ in revenue but less than 3b in profits last time.

Nintendo is around Microsoft’s proper level with 40% margins

Nintendo is a completely different beast.

Well they sell everything in profit and their main source of revenue is the first party games so…

They will do less…

Acti is a war machine on making money by pressing the employee and the customer to the limit.

They never drop the price of their games. Make money to some level that are incredible (Black ops 3, lootbox for new weapon was crazy).

They will not be that profitable under Xbox. (Cause Microsoft got policies for employees, be the best place to work have a cost lol). And The GamePass will drop the revenues of “classic” COD games. (But will increase GamePass).

I’m going to start silencing people that continue the off-topic tirades. I’m pretty sure I’m at half a dozen over the last month, at least. There are other threads, and there’s almost guaranteed to be one to fit whatever you’re trying to say.

Example: Nintendo and/or Sony’s profitability is one such tirade (all of which is irrelevant to Xbox acquisitions).


CoD,WoW etc on gamepass is massively benificial to all Xbox gamers. Even if you dont play them. Besides which…it’ll be easier for Microsoft to buy Tomb Raider, Crystal Dynamics etc. off embracer then off Square further down the line.

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Someone, can’t remember who. Gave a full, in depth, research paper about how Xbox should acquire Nintendo a few weeks ago. It was one of the most ridiculous, asinine things I’ve seen on the Forums. The sad part, is that there was 100% conviction that they thought it would be a good idea.

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I swear I miss all the good stuff in this thread :rofl:

Jesus, it’s absolutely ridiculous to say that everyone not completely convinced of the ABK deal is shortsighted.


Now here some people might say “increased revenue means more investment in games.” Which could be true, but would take some additional years.

EVERYONE sees the mainstream value of the ABK deal. It’s not some incredible foresight needed, to see the benefits of COD on GamePass.

But even as a person that buys COD every year, it’s only 60€ saved.

It’s understandable that some people are disappointed.


Quantic Dream already has been bought by NetEase bro…

to be honest its not official

Why do you say that? Because it’s a Swedish company instead of a Japanese one?

We have got the impression SE wanted rid of them for years, I’m not so sure Embracer would be as keen to sale?

Easier? Why? It does not make a difference.

Dunno if it still works (technically it might) but check out the filling dates on government for your company of interest close with Microsoft to see if something may change up until shortly before E3, this is how people learned about Playground.

Still prefer Embracer getting Square Enix Europe compared to other companies like Sony. At least the games will still come to Xbox and Microsoft can still make deals to make games come to Game Pass. Microsoft is too busy with the Activision Deal, so I don’t expect any acquisitions from them soon. At least the positive with all these Acquisitions by Sony, Take-Two, and Embracer this year, is it should make the Activision deal go through a lot easier and hopefully sooner.

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If Microsoft loses out Square Enix - granted SE is a mismanaged mess (long development pipeline, make junk and bunch of their IPs like DQ and KH are not fully theirs) - then their only chance in Japan is Capcom. Nothing else has such a set of alive IPs and such big influence there. Also Capcom has close to none non-gaming properties (unlike SE manga or whatever)