Xbox Acquisition |OT5| Talking Exclusively About Xbox Acquisitions

Now it raises a question if Microsoft is really interested in acquiring studios that does not have huge IPs. It is not 2018-2019 for them anymore. And considering BGS and ABK deal - they probably only interested in big IPs now.

Does not explain Tomb Raider IPs though…

huh, why is everyone doomposting PD franchise?

Before today: TI/MS entered into a contract with SE/CD to co develop a PD Game

Anything extra for PD (outside the contract) would have to be negotiated with SE, and they might have refused.

Any sequels would have to be negotiated with SE, and they might have refused that as well.

After today: TI/MS is in a contract with Emb/CD to co develop a PD Game

Anything extra for PD (outside the contract) would have to be negotiated with Emb, and they might have refused.

Any sequels would have to be negotiated with Emb, and they might have refused that as well.

Unless i missed something, and SE have said they are happy to continue supporting PD franchise, or Embracer have said PD is one and done, nothing has changed except the 3rd party publisher name


Wonder if WBgames is that important for them now.

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MS will keep paying the PD team to make any sequels or updates. It just became more expensive though


NR and MK. The latter has huge potential

Did y’all suddenly forget got Xbox Global Publishing works? If course PD will continue to work on PD updates and potential sequels.


Without big IPs I don’t think they’ll be interested in the others.

Without IPs? Probably only NRS. And also it explains why Microsoft might not be interested in Platinum. Like one person on OtherEra said


Yeah, it’s seems they’re after BIG IPs now.

I wonder what studios/publishers they’re aiming for after ABK.

Would be hilarious if they get Square Enix proper for FF14 :joy: T2 seems like a good bet :rofl: Capcom for Monster Hunter.

I think it’s fine to speculate and discuss why things happened the way they did.

They own one of the most iconic women IP led games, CD is co developing on PD, it’s been an open secret that SE would looking to sell them for a while now. Etc etc

Of course people would be curious as to why MS didn’t buy them for 300M when we just saw them spend 60+ Billion a couple of months ago.

We just can’t let the conversation devolve to doom and gloom territory or combative talking points.

Been up since 1 this morning when I checked my phone, its now 5:30 going to be a long day lol


That’s if Square isn’t Sony’s rumored BIG acquisition, it would make sense since they would get all they want from it, JRPGs and FF.

Well, see. I don’t think Square Enix West sale affected SE market cap so it still would be 6b+ purchase there.

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I would assume they would be worth less right?

Sony would want Square for Dragon Quest also, the game is a giant in Japan and making it exclusive for Playstation would benefit the platform in the country massively. Things are getting interesting.

No, because by selling Square Enix West they removed one of the money drains so technically they became more profitable.

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Bring it back to MS…

You guys realize that no WB purchase is coming with any IPs, right. WB (smartly) is only licensing them out and they more than likely won’t be exclusive licenses.

In this case NR makes the most sense as a dev since they have rare fighting game know-how, but then again their are rumors that MS already has Bandai Namco working on KI.


Maybe. All in all, but at least right now we can assume that the biggest prices will receive either big IPs (licensed) or huge engagement values.

That leaves us with Capcom (Monster Hunter), Square Enix (FF14), T2 (GTA), probably EA too and that’s it. Ubisoft does not have huge IPs with engagement values, Sega also doesn’t have any. WB by itself is pretty cheap then without IP attached.

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NR too with MK. I guess Sega and Ubisoft are really out of the game now.