The XboxEra Forums - 2022: The Year in Review

Top #Off-Topic Topics

Most Read

User Topic Hours Read
The Ukraine conflict 146
Movies and TV shows thread 137
Depp Vs Heard, the worst Hollywood love story 18
Netflix names Microsoft as partner for new consumer subscription plan 13
Gamefest+XB Showcase: What ya eating/drinking? 6

Most Liked

User Topic Likes
Just showing random love 35
I have depression and I can't speak about it 23
Movies and TV shows thread 11
Xbox Games Magic the Gathering Lands 10
I made an Xbox themed speaker. What do you think? 10

Most Replies

User Topic Replies
Movies and TV shows thread 1.07k
Anime and Manga Thread 794
The Ukraine conflict 615
What are you currently listening to? 516
DC and Marvel multimedia thread (movies, games, TV shows etc) 73

Most Popular

User Topic Score
Just showing random love 37
I have depression and I can't speak about it 30
Movies and TV shows thread 25
The Ukraine conflict 23
Setbacks/tragedies in life, let's talk about it 21