The Xbox leadership team has made 3 easily avoidable mistakes in the last 12 months. How does this happen?

We all know Xbox is still not fully “in touch” with the gaming community and especially not for those outside their ecosystem. They can’t seem to garner more mindshare and those things you mentioned only make it more difficult. They do very puzzling things at times as if they don’t “temperature check” prior. Luckily, they can rely on actual games(when they start rolling out) to counter their occasional questionable moves.

Can any business be fully in touch?

Eventually the need for the business to make money is going to superseed customers desires.

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Ok, but these are always gonna be the lowest priority customers :person_shrugging:

I mean I’ve been saying forever that Microsoft can be kinda dumb and just don’t get it no?

It doesn’t need to be more complicated than that


So Microsoft didn’t have to apologize after each of those incidents I just mentioned? That was all in my head? All the podcasts and websites out there roasting them for these mistakes, was that all in my head too?

Some of the same people in charge are also the same people who were helping to drive the disastrous 2013 Xbox One reveal. Yes, many of them helped correct those mistakes, but I don’t give anyone that much credit when they reverse something the whole world was against. It’s like taking your hand off a hot stove and wanting credit for doing so.

Revenue increases as your consoles in the hands of customers increase. There are still people spending money on 360’s today, and of course XB1s, and now Series consoles. Revenue will grow over time because of that simple fact. Just because the revenue is growing doesn’t mean better leadership couldn’t make it grow even faster.

Still don’t see the purpose of this thread; all of these topics are covered in every other thread all the time.


What is this childish whining? No one made you come into this thread and reply.

And if you need it explained for you, here goes. The point of this thread was to point out the common elements of these 3 instances in the past year where the people in charge of Xbox did something really dumb, and they somehow didn’t realize how dumb it was until the whole world told them it was dumb. When people keep making the same mistakes it should begin to get people talking about the competency of those people.

Thanks for the adult response, you inspire me to be a better poster.

Was just pointing out the obvious that these topics have been discussed into the ground. If you think there’s an amazing unappreciated connection between Greenberg hyping an event, a game trying to make the holiday season, and a company trying to raise prices on something, you’re wrong. If you actually think that Sony/Nintendo haven’t overhyped things or increase prices on things for bad reasons, you’re not paying attention.



Yeah, it’s in your head. You take the matter too seriously. The fact that you’re persistant is proof of that.

Stuff happened last year, but we’re in 2021… The only thing that you could blame Xbox right now is about the Xbox Live stuff that has been taken care of in 24 hours. There is a thread for that btw. So yeah you’re reaching…

Go ahead and share a link of a Sony or Nintendo employee overhyping an event on Twitter.

Also go ahead and give us an example of Sony or Nintendo DOUBLING the price of a service or something similar.

Go ahead and show me an example of Sony or Nintendo launching a new console without a single high profile exclusive game.

You can’t provide me examples of those things because they’ve never happened before, and that’s why this thread exists. To point that out for people and ask if maybe the people in charge of Xbox aren’t doing a great job at this stuff.

There have been about 20 Nintendo directs that were incredibly disappointing (comically so in most cases), and Nintendo is the least consumer friendly of all three price wise. Are you trying to say Nintendo has better customer awareness than Microsoft? If so you’re in Disneyland, which coincidentally is the only place that preys on fandom/nostalgia for profit more than Nintendo.

But that really has nothing to do with my original point. This thread is dated and is covering nothing new.

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Oh sure, fans have been disappointed by Directs, but that’s not the same as one of the senior executives of the company telling fans this event is going to be game changing, and telling people to raise their expectations, only for people to be really mad that they were misled.

You seem to just be one of those people that gets upset when people criticize the brand you like. Just accept that fact and maybe don’t come into threads like this and whine about why they exist. You’re clearly ignoring the fact that these Xbox instances I’ve explained thoroughly now are not common with these other companies. Your only response has been to complain about the thread or suggest without any evidence that other companies do it to.

Wow. Your wild lack of business understanding has reached a new level. Revenues increase over time…is simply not true. At all. You only need track quarterly revenues of any publically listed organisation to know that’s absolutely not the case.

Perhaps you could name names and explain which execs had a role in 2013 in terms of planning Xbox one hardware and launch and still do now.

You really got me figured out, that’s incredible. This is my mistake for getting involved in a useless thread.


Yeah, dont blame yourself. You try, but he’s too far away. Some people cannot be saved…

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Fully in touch? No. But more consistently in touch than Xbox is? For sure. There’s a happy medium here and MS/Xbox isn’t quite there yet imo. I’m thinking they are becoming more in tune as time goes on though.

This all boils down to some people holding Xbox to standards that other game companies are never held to.


I’ll only note that apologizing isn’t the same thing as conceding those things are actually mistakes, even if the PR frames them that way. You’re right about the backlash being very intense and very real. It’s arguable whether those were really due to mistakes though, since bad outcomes do not need to always stem from poor decisions. Sometimes things outside their control are going to saddle them with only bad options and they have to pick the least horrible one.

I do think there needs to be some shake up wrt PR approaches in general. Their social media team is extremely effective, but much as I like Major Nelson and various others in the public facing side of things, many of them are almost universally cringey in their presentation of the brand.

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Eh, I don’t really agree, but alright.

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