The literal only reason I’m enjoying the game as much as I now am is because of website guides provided by third parties.
This game would have, back in the day, come with a manual an inch thick. But they just don’t provide that level of support nowadays and Starfield very much drops the player into the game with little/no help on how to use it’s systems.
You’ll overcome it all but I did spend a good few hours of my first 15hrs playtime just reading my phone to look for guides on how to do things.
Aye. I maintain that some of it is definitely down to reading the screen (!!) and experimenting with buttons, but other things, like elements of outpost and ship building are definitely a wee bit obtuse at first.
That is a great great video. I found it yesterday and it goes in deep level.
I dont need that much deepth but it is more than welcome for the future.
What I have found out so farto have unlimited storage close to the ship:
Create a base with a landing pad and a transfer container, they are meant to be used to transfer goods to the ship but a nice atribute of them is that they dont seem to have limit.
As far as I know you cant move things from the ship to the transfer container but with a landing pad nearby it is just a short walk.
Im still not sure if this is the optimal way, Im more than happy to be corrected.