Starfield |OT| You're Finally Awake... In Space! [NO SPOILERS]

I don’t remember hearing anything about sources and more it could be June and I think it’s June. I thought it was more them getting an idea of the state of the game from sources and speculating on a date. I could be misremembering though.

Either way, I don’t even know where you’re v reading all those negative reports lol. I would ignore them.


Oh that last bit was here and some on the Subreddit of the game. I believe Tiny Rakan or whatever here said it. Just tales from out of nowhere.

I’m to busy actually playing the game to stare at reflections in puddles. :rofl:

Seriously, Ray Tracing for now to me is a gimmick. When they can have RT without major impact on performance than ok but, we are still far from that even with FSR and DLSS.

Starfield is looking far better than last year in those clips behind Todd, looks more smooth and polished, the delay last year was clearly the right decision, sure there will be some bugs and issues like all games on this scale always have but with the extra time I’m sure they won’t be as bad ad it would’ve been last year. September is also a great month for it but I’m not gonna lie I thought for sure it would be November just because Starfield has that big fall blockbuster game feel to it, anyway September is also a great month to launch Xbox’s biggest exclusive since Halo 3 since Halo 3 also came out in a September :wink:

Game has been rated in Australia, that September date might be the final one, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

It has to be, otherwise it’s just gonna get silly.


Mmm Drugs :partying_face:


Why do you think Xbox is green colored?


Not just drugs. SPACE DRUGS.

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gimme dat space skooma

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No sex. No buy

What games have the very strong lable in violence?

I looked it up and this is what MW2 got

Fallout 4 is also considered in the same category re violence.

Not sure, Doom perhaps. I wonder why it’s so high for Starfield.

Nahh Doom has an R in violence also The Witcher 3

I really don’t understand how they grade it makes little sence to me. About a decade ago Starfield would have been banned in Australia for it R18+ rating, I’m glad they added the R18+ otherwise Australia would have missed it or like Fallout 3 would have had to rename the drugs.

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Wonder if this is just from the planet (Neon?) they called out where the commercial fisheries realized they could make more marketing it as a drug experience destination than they could fishing or if it also has illegal drug running or other things in the story.


That’s a good point, I was tyring to think what you would use to heal or somthing, But now you say that I remember thier video on it.

Starfield: Location Insights (Developer Commentary) - Neon - YouTube

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I’m still wondering with what kind of gore they are gonna come with, probably not dismemberment like Skyrim and Fallout, but at the same time…why not? I would welcome it but it’s not a necessity, like I definitely feel it is in Fallout with VATS and Skyrim with some of those finishers. I do expect some blood effects at the least though.

I’d really welcome a VATS equivalent though, but it probably won’t be happening.

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