PlayStation 5 |OT| This SSD has no limits

I can see a lot of fanboys already saying this.

There’s not many examples where you would spend $699.99 on a device to use it for 2-3 things a year.

In a way, this is why it would be a positive thing if consoles did go away and we all moved to PC/Cloud.

No interest in PC/Cloud Gaming. Would rather have my consoles.

For me, I don’t want Sony doing live service games. Honestly, fuck live service games. I don’t care about their money or lack there of. That’s their problem, not mine. Get these studios back to basics and fundamentals of what they’re known for and are equipped to do. Bluepoint is a remake studio in my opinion. Having them work on a live service game regardless of the IP makes absolutely no sense.

Bend Studio was rumored to have a multi-player component to the single player game that they were working on but that appears to be bullshit as it also appears that they were working on a multi-player live service only game. They need to simply make the sequel to Days Gone 2 or bring back Syphon Filter.

As for the console stuff, I bought an Xbox One X for $500 and only played three games on it. State of Decay 2 (which I dropped after about 10 hours), Mutant Year Zero since it was on Game Pass day one and Gears of War 4. Traded it in after I completed Gears 4 because Xbox wasn’t my primary gaming console (it was PS4/PS4 Pro) and there was nothing there of interest for me after Gears 4.

As for PS5 Pro specifically, I only spent $60 out of pocket for it. I bought the 2TB Xbox console that released a few months ago and since I was trading in the launch model, I thought, well, what would I get if I traded in that and the PS5 launch model? The total was $640 so for $60 out of pocket, it was an easy decision to make especially when all I care about are the Sony published games and any exclusives that don’t release on Xbox or are years later. In this regard, the purchase was well worth it and as someone who doesn’t keep the consoles, once PS6 releases in a few more years, I will be trading in the PS5 Pro.

I’m not a fanboy for any company but I am a fan/gamer of Sony and PlayStation just like I am Microsoft and Xbox and Nintendo. It’s all about the games for me. If you have games that I want to play, I will buy your console. It’s that simple.

Right now, I have Ghost of Yotei, Ys X: Proud Nordics (SMH), possibly Lost Soul Aside and possibly Legend of Heroes: Trails Through Daybreak 1 and 2 depending on if I decide to play them which has more to do with if I have the time to invest into them.

With all of that said, as I mentioned, PS5 Pro is my secondary gaming console so my expectations are simply way lower than Xbox Series X which is my primary. This applies to all consoles, their status for me and in all generations. When I buy a Switch 2, it will also be for 1-2 games a year depending on what Nintendo releases and what other exclusives are on the console that I want to play so expectations for that are low too. Even lower than PlayStation. lol

In summary, I don’t care about any of this other bullshit. I just want to play the games that im interested in and talk about gaming. All of this other bullshit on all sides, I just don’t care about any of it anymore. Just give me the games. :joy:

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Beat Astro Bot in December, I was going to collect everything but I have to farm 3000 coins for the gacha machine so I quit

Now I’m playing Rise of the Ronin, did 100% on the first map


Or you could buy one device (PC / PC Handheld) and play them all :stuck_out_tongue:.

For me cloud gaming is just the natural evolution, the same way people were reluctant to move from VHS to DVD and then to Blu-ray, only for all of it to be superseded by streaming anyway.

I’m sure people were reluctant to move to streaming movies/TV until internet speeds improved and apps become better and available across more devices.

Once cloud gaming has matured wouldn’t it be more convenient for you to access all your games in one place (such as a TV app), in high quality from hundreds of devices, wherever you are, with no downloading/updating? And more importantly no need to spend $700 and have multiple devices under your TV just to access specific games!

Until then PC gaming is that equivalent. If MS/Xbox are making a console like UI for PC which incorporates these other stores then I don’t see why anyone would stick to console, when you can play all your games in one place and at better quality. The SteamDeck UI is already better (IMO) than the Xbox/PS UI and it allows me to play Xbox, PS and PC exclusives.

I agree with you on the live service games, it baffles me that someone thought God of War was a good idea and Bend definitely should have been allowed to make Days Gone 2 or another single player game. Now that they haven’t released anything in ages they are at risk of closure IMO.

Nah. I simply prefer console gaming.

I agree with you in regards to cloud streaming being the future but for it to be #1 for gaming, I would say that it’s probably 20+ years away from being that. First, the infrastructure has to be there worldwide and it’s nowhere close to that at this point and second, people actually have to want to play their games that way on an everyday basis as opposed to im taking a trip so I’ll stream games on my cell phone or handheld.

The main issue for me personally with streaming is that im not buying games at full price and my only option to play them is via streaming. Not doing that. Of course, by then who knows if im even still playing games. I’m 46 and won’t be gaming forever. And perhaps by then, everything will be subscription based but this remains to be seen.

I prefer the PS5 UI over Xbox but it’s not by much. I care more about the games, features and services that im getting than the home screen/dashboard UI.

One other issue with PC/handhelds is that for the single player games that I care about, I would have to wait for Sony to port them until they all go day one which in all honesty, im not going to do. If I want to play a game, im going to play it. I rarely if ever wait on a game im hyped to play.

I wouldn’t be shocked if Sony closes Bend Studio, Media Molecule (because what have they done in 5 years?) and Bluepoint. They said they have no intention on closing them but didn’t they say the same thing with Firewalk Studio and delisting Concord?

On the positive side for me, their main studios - Insomniac, Sucker Punch, Guerrilla, Santa Monica all remain intact and are doing their normal single player stuff. I am interested in seeing what Housemarque is currently working on. The rest in all honesty, I don’t even care about. I’m more interested in their publishing deals than I am the rest of their internal studios because at least games like Stellar Blade and Ronin were at least for me and I enjoyed them both.

All we can do is wait and see what happens.

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I can totally see the rationale for greenlighting a game like that, God of War already has all the RPG mess built in with the last two. Elevator pitch something like design your own norse warrior of legend and fight legendary creatures alone or with 3 friends and even get to interact with your favourite God of War characters through in game events and seasonal story content the potential financial tail is ENDLESS. Structure the game like Genshin or some shit and there you go GAAS of War.

I must admit I did think about this after the news :stuck_out_tongue:


For the simplified UI?

If MS/Xbox pull off this new gaming OS, would that make you change your mind or do you just like lots of boxes under your TV? :wink:.

I think realistically most people will be in a subscription just like Netflix (or GamePass now). The only difference is we won’t have that huge outlay for a plastic box beforehand.

Unless your a physical collector then most your games are already in a digital ‘cloud’ library anyway.

I think once it’s matured the majority of people won’t be able to tell the difference between cloud/local anyway.

Yeah I wouldn’t trust Sony at this point, I suspect layoffs followed by closure sadly.

Insomniac seem to have been carrying Playstation throughout this generation.

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Lisan Al Gaib


The dashboard for PS5/Xbox are fine. I prefer PS5 because it looks better, more crisp and has HDR on it but both are fine. They get the job done.

I’m expecting Microsoft to have a console within the next few years so even if it has a new OS or whatever, as long as I can play my games on it, I will stay with the console. I have a TV stand and two consoles on the shelving. There’s no other boxes as I haven’t had cable in over a decade.

The subscription would be ideal but it comes down to publishers doing their own or if they allow games to go on Game Pass day one. This is just too early to know.

Yeah, I don’t disagree. Insomniac have been awesome for me and have been my favorite Sony studio for a long time. They make high quality games and are very efficient.

We’ll see how far their brand power can continue to carry them.


At this point objectively I just fail to see what Sony is offering this gen to earn those hardware sales that Sony fans care so much about.

  1. For 4 years of this gen Series X was more powerful then Sony’s offering
  2. Even now through the PS5 Pro offers little real world advantage and costs $700
  3. Sony’s foray into GAAS completely contradicts what Sony fans seem to clammer for
  4. Their first party is in complete shambles, 4 years wasted on 10+ cancelled GAAS and other games
  5. More then likely the majority of these studios are not going to be able to get any more AAA games out the window on the PS5 as that wasted time means these will be PS6 games
  6. MS got loads and loads of backlash for barren 1stparty years, we are looking at a barren rest of the gen for the PS5
  7. Sony has closed many studios and made many layoffs this gen, not sure WHY only Xbox gets backlash for this not only are Sony worse on this front but they have less 1st party studios to begin with and keep cutting them down
  8. Sony has raised prices across the board on all their services AND even a price hike on current gen hardware
  9. Sony multi plat strategy is even more elusive to define then anything related to Xbox, at least Xbox maintains a case by case basis Sony barely even talks to anyone and they have NO clear define cadence on what they are doing multi plat wise.
  10. Sony had the biggest game flop in gaming history in concord and people just seem to forget
  11. People seem to not care that Sony launched a very overpriced VR headset and then as quickly as they released it decided against actually supporting it, do Sony fans like to be ripped off?
  12. Just look at the current 1st party results this has been a huge downer for Sony studio’s, where is the variety of games and new IP’s that Sony fans bitch about every gen? Xbox already has tons of highly successful GAAS and now are starting to pump out the SP games people have been asking for and they still have tons of variety and a regular release schedule going forwards

I just fail to see this gen on an objective basis How on earth you look at what Sony has been doing with their hardware and eco system and think that is better then what Xbox is offering.

If this isn’t a full blown case of a company riding on the fumes of past glory and literal brand loyalty for no other real reason then I do not know what is.

It is just befuddling how Sony can screw up so badly to the point they pretty much wasted an entire generation from their 1st party and it gets blown off and ignored.


Fumes of past glory, brand loyalty / awareness and a huge cheer squad in the form of the gaming media who’ve never held them to the same bloody standard as Sega and then Xbox…


What’s interesting to see is that no one defends Jim Ryan, nor Hermen Hulst now. One started it and the other went further with it, with the results that are now clear.

I kind of like Layden’s approach to the Sony brand now. But it feels like all of his pushes and whole strategy have now gone to dust.



I feel like that YouTube channel is ready to do another episode of “What the hell is happening at Sony.”

Huh huh… probably the only thing I was excited for…

Edit : it’s not the Guerilla game but a MMO made by NC soft.

Yes, incredibly, they’re so sure of the potential of this single player franchise that they had TWO different multiplayer GAAS games in development…



Sony’s first party line up is going to be lightest it’s even been at this rate.

Wolverine, Ghost of Yotei, Intergalactic and potentially Marathon if it doesn’t get cancelled. Xbox meanwhile is just churning them out.

Sony is definitely going to be locking down third party exclusives.