Phil Spencer: Xbox Handheld 'a few years out'; no 'red lines' on what games come to rival platforms says | via Bloomberg


No surprises here at all. Pretty much everything Phil says is either known or was expected.


Only thing that perked my ears up was $1000 console line. Not sure if a jab at Sony? or indication of what to expect powerwise.

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The only hard takeaway is that Xbox would not be solely releasing consoles that are at least $1000.

Doesn’t rule out a mix of devices, some under $1000 and some over.

Even if it was a jab at Sony, it would indicate at least I think that from here on forwards that would be the DeFacto aim at least for Sony, but I think he was speaking more of what mid gen and next gen console prices will be starting at.

Thanks to XboxEra’s reporting. :sunglasses:

Not bad, for not having gone to Journalism School™


Its not a jab at Sony. Its recognizing the direction hardware prices are moving to (on top of inflation). Silicon is getting more expensive and there is not a lot Xbox can do about it.

Thats not new information. Xbox people already told us at Hotchips 2020.

PS5 cost more than PS4 Pro. I would not be surprised if PS6 price is higher than PS5 Pro :woman_shrugging:


That does sound good and the way we will get to see the largest technical leap you will have ever seen in a hardware generation

I like the idea of Xbox building a super console not looking to try and chase the SONY mass market brigade and doing its own thing.


The only thing I don’t like here is that the handheld is still years away.

So is 2026. (We Hope) Were you hoping for 2025 or earlier?

Late 2026 would probably align well with the next gen AMD lineup (Z3 equivalent APU)


Important piece would be RDNA 5.

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And before people reference him, I think Jez Corden said there would be an announcement of a hand held next year, not that there would be one.


If it’s a few years away. I wonder if it means some of the speculation about Xbox making a new console accompanied with a handheld that can play its game is true.

New Xbox isn’t a handheld then. They cant compete with 400-500$ switch or Steam deck, too much RD to Pull it off right now.

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Looks like Holiday 2026/Spring 2027, then.

Just about ties into howe long I felt the current generation would last. 6-7 years.

Let Sony have their mid-gen upgrade, with Xbox riding out the rest of the generation relying on pumping out tons of software.

I personally don’t think the PS5 Pro will move the needle or particularly put pressure on Xbox to upgrade. So they will continue as they are doing until they can release their next generation hardware.

2026 would be fine but years away sounds like 4 or more which I think will be too late. I think they need a handheld before the handheld industry takes full shape.

As I get older I kind of dont care about what games are where. Whats most important to me is the service offering and how I can interact with the medium. Going handheld is a big thing for me, especially having play anywhere.

Plus the market is that saturated for online games, the player counts on games like Halo, Forza Motorsport and even Gears dropped quite a bit. Having more players to play with to keep those games alive longer and thriving would be great.

I like where things are headed and hopefully Xbox can pull it off. We are still a bit off. I find it annoying if I bought a handheld I cant play certain games anywhere which dont have play anywhere, but yeah, hopefully Xbox can push things forward more.

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Somehow, I have this feeling Sony would have a handheld out pretty soon maybe next year or early 2026. The Pro is pretty much useless and isn’t helping them in any way and they are low on games a handheld would help them and could be used as a sort of way to combat Xbox everywhere. So I hope Xbox has something solid by 2026 at the most.

Wouldn’t read too much into a subjective statement like that. To me, years away is anything 2 or more years away. To you it’s 4 or more, who knows what it means to Phil.

And what games would it run? Strictly PS4 games? They don’t have the luxury of PC or a low end tier like XSS. They can also barely provide software to their existing console base. Sony is very poorly positioned to provide a non-streaming handheld IMO.