Microsoft to Block 'Unauthorised Accessories' Next Month

A lot is being made about these unofficial brooks type brands can I just say something positive about Official brand “Hori”

They’ve been killing it this generation with Xbox accessories.

The official Hori Series x fighting stick alpha is great and the official series X Hori wheel is awesome too. Hori has the Hori Xbox App which allows you to change around button configurations which seems like a small thing, but then you hear reports about other fight sticks having limited support… Hori on the other hand supports every game and not just fighting games. Hori allows it’s mode 2 to support any game, not just fighting games.

Same is true about the Hori series x wheel. It’s not just for “supported” games, hop into the Hori app and configure the wheel for mode 2. Play ANY game with a wheel stuff like Disney Speedstorm or grand theft auto 5.

I think Xbox gamers should give Hori more props for the awesome job they’re doing with the official series x Xbox wheel and fight stick. :v: