Microsoft lays off 1,900 ABK & XGS employees/ Ybarra left Blizzard/ Odyssey cancelled

I feel like this is getting lost in all the discourse today -

Yeah, yeah, I know, “outsourcing” but this combined with that supposed Wal-Mart leak + a big deal game like Hellblade II being digital only does not inspire confidence. I bought a Series S out of necessity (I have an X now) and have accumulated a 100+ digital games library in my Xbox account but I still want the choice of truly OWNING what I buy. I plan on getting Indy physically to go along with my collection. But, with this kind of news, I do not think it would be a smart investment. Big Digital rears its ugly head :pensive:.

Oh, I almost forgot, some BC games would be lost to the nether if Microsoft leaves physical behind.