You know what is infuriating, Microsoft finally had everything going for them.
For decades people wanted Xbox and Microsoft to bring out games and show they cared about other parts of the world, other than North America.
You finally have a Japanese company in Tango and close it down.
Let’s go back to the original Xbox, Microsoft had a game with Level 5, called True Fantasy Live Online, then canceled it and it took years to gain Japanese support again.
Next Xbox 360 came out and after years trying to get Japanese support, they got shoot em ups and visual novel developers to support them. Microsoft even helped set up Mistwalker, that gave us Blue Dragon and one of my favorite JRPGs Lost Odyssey, then after that Microsoft stops supporting them, so Mistwalker makes Nintendo games instead.
Next you have Microsoft wanting Japanese games again, this time for Xbox One, so they fund ReCore from Comcept and Scalebound from Platinum, now the future looks promising, then Scalebound is canceled, which leads to more Japanese going all in on PlayStation.
Then Microsoft is getting ready to bring out Xbox Series X/S, they need those Japanese games, that gamers want, they get Sega to support the system and Sega games become the most played games on Game Pass, now you have this truly unfortunate news.
Look I’ll be honest Hi-Fi Rush isn’t my kind of game. I prefer their other games more, but having your own Japanese developer was very important and yet they close them down.
Did Microsoft think what the ramifications will be for doing this, will it hurt the Xbox brand or have less Japanese developer support?
Look I understand Xbox has never been a household name in Japan, yet you need these kinds of games, to show you care about countries other than just America and Canada.
Now I know Microsoft has game developers in Europe, but because all the Xbox marketing is in North America for the most part only, must people think of Xbox as an American and Canadian brand, not a world brand.
So, this news doesn’t help Microsoft at all and when you finally own a Japanese developer you close them down and, in my opinion, it is disappointing, because I want to see Xbox succeed, yet this is just another blind eye on their image.