Microsoft Closing Some Beloved Studios

Gamepass was not enough even though many people played it, if it was tango would still BE working, yeah everyone at MSFT told us that gamepass was sufficient for these games in fact it would help them to some degree, it didnt só the conclusion is that playing more on gamepass would do nothing if the subs arent already at 50M by MS own projections on FTC leaked docs.

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Evil Within 2 (as per SteamSpy) did around 1.5M since 2017. So maybe 3-4M across PC and console?

The Evil Within 2 was in & of itself a sort of reneging on the stuff which made the first game a good & unique survival horror whilst chasing some semi open world trends. The sad dad schtick was also clichéd to the point it made the narrative tedious.

“Where’s my daughter arghhh I’m angry & drunk arghhh! What’s happening here arghhh!” (despite the fact Sebastian had experienced all of that Mobius Stem stuff before).

I mean come on. The cool characters of the first game were gone & we got a highly westernized mess with better controls & performance… but worse everything else.

In any case it doesn’t take a rocket scientist (or some wouldbe ‘captain’ giving MS pointers like a Monday morning quarterback) to figure out ‘why’ Tango Gameworks has been shut down. The results simply weren’t there.

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I’m a broken record but you can’t really blame Gamepass for lack of sales when there are examples of third party and first party games they did very well releasing exclusively on GP/Xbox/PC like High on Life (before being ported), Pal World, FH5, and Starfield on top of some other stuff I’m forgetting. And Pal World is the best selling game of the year by far lol.


Agreed. Also, John Johanas was the director on Evil Within 2, not Shinji Mikami. So from Microsoft’s viewpoint, Tango’s most successful game was made by a director that is no longer at the studio.


Again those games are not first party or have a really higher budget and marketing, hifi rush Shadows dropped with no marketing, MSFT in leaked FTC docs Said they would need 50M by now, this is why.

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I’m not down to doom completely. My naive hope that gamepass allows for more niche endeavors is certainly way down though.

I won’t pencil in the closure of various studios like some other people do. Where’s the certainty coming from that ninja theory is bound to get the boot anyway? For all we know the team behind it was fairly small so the budget won’t be huge.


People are jumping to conclusions that Hellblade 2 is going to flop.

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First one did fairly well 5 Mill I think. Second one only sold 1/4th of the original (like 200,000 units in its first week)

But I don’t really care about sales figures when the industry is heading into churning out the same 6 IP’s


He couldn’t have predicted that Microsoft would butcher his company (nobody could).

Is that why more people are playing FO more than ever?

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More people playing Fallout than ever so Bethesda had to close half of their studios, right ?

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Someone here earlier asked if it was true that most of Tango left after HFR. Did you mean this?

There’s no way to tell if that’s true, I hope it is though.


They closed the studios that had nothing to do with Fallout because their games didn’t do well. Games that were greenlighted before MS bought them.

Look, this is terrible news but can we not pretend you weren’t boasting about CCUs and sales charts a week ago???


I think something people that are still hopeful that ms is the “good guy” in the industry need to realize that this news will reach less than 0.1% of total xbox owners, IF that, less than that will care enough to stop spending money on the platform.

What I’m trying to say is that in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter, they’ll keep looking at their bottom line as they should and as they have done till now to end up being a trillion dollar company.

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I don’t see the correlation. It’s not because that I’m happy about Fallout’s success that I should defend Microsoft for butchering Bethesda as a publisher.

Forza Motorsport and Halo Infinite were colossal bombs, yet the studios weren’t closed. Why was it different with Bethesda ?


Hint: They weren’t bombs, and steam charts don’t tell the whole story. Especially in Infinite’s case, the campaign probably sold millions of copies.

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I wouldn’t speak too soon with regards Forza.

It’s been half a year. There’s plenty of time for the corporate bean counters to sink their claws into Turn 10 Studios.

And for what it’s worth, 343 was gutted from top to bottom since Infinite’s release. So Halo’s failure did have an impact.

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Man, I only just realised the perfect dark gun reference in your name. Nice. Shooting thru walls. Ahhh good times.


Hoping the new game doesn’t get cancelled because of Matt Booty’s incompetence.