Microsoft-Activision-Blizzard Discussion Thread (Part 1)

The EU was the last holdout during the Zenimax deal so it shouldn’t be a surprise that they will be here as well; given the fact that we’re talking about multiple countries, it makes sense too.


Yup, it’s a tad bit more complicated with so many countries.

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It’s honestly impressive to see how efficient the EU is on most things though, especially in comparison to the US, given the obstructionism of a certain party :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: .


Yeah, especially considering our history… EU is a fantastic success. There can be a lot of beuracracy at times, but it moves pretty fast.

The US two-party system really is keeping you back isn’t it? For comparison we have 8 parties in the Swedish parliament atm. Elections this fall so it might change.


Our country is run by Senators. Two parties, all bought and paid for by Coorperations. Depending on which Coorporations and how religous, the level of racism and other…interests of the senators voting base, those determine the lies he, or she tells to stay in their profitable, no term-limit having seat

It’ s an awful system, babysat by the most egregiously corrupt sociopaths we can produce


You guys need a revolution.


Goverment has drones. Our first ammendment rights won’t amount to shit

And the ones most interested in that sort of thing, are usually the worst of us. I’ll stop there, because I don’t want to introduce too much political talk here


A large issue with the American system is how the voting is handled. America needs to go to ranked choice voting system instead of a winners takes all system. As the current system easily manipulated by voting lines and moving people into certain buckets so there vote means more or less depending on which party you are going for.


To be fair the UK system is equally messed up and equally as manipulated.

Labour (UK equivalent of Democrats) and Conservatives (UK equivalent of Republicans) are the only two parties which will ever have a majority. This is because we use the first past the post system instead of proportional representation so it will always be that way.

For example in the last election 44% voted for Conservatives yet they still have 56% of the seats! There were large areas of the UK which voted in favour of Labour (or SNP - Scotland’s equivalent of Labour) and yet still have a Conservative leader/representative, it’s completely flawed.

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Gotta say I saw the funniest clip today of the labor leader Mick Lynch, owning the absolute fuck out of that ass sucker, Piers Morgan. Made my day

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Going to look that up RN! :rofl:

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Geez, if anything Piers is the Muppet here!

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Alright, I’m done hijacking this thread. Sorry guys



:rofl: Personally I’m still hopeful that it could complete before the end of 2022.

There are so many opportunities that appeal to me more than ABK which I feel Xbox are missing out on. I’m still gutted about Crystal Dynamics :pensive:.


Oh god this gold :joy::joy:.

I’ve got that white furred monkey cat confused thing as my picture. I think it’s funny and sums up the UK governments plans to everything pretty well :+1:.

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Are you saying your not like a white furred monkey but use it as your picture? Ludicrous!

It does sum up the UK government very well :rofl:

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For me it will forever be Bungie. Having Destiny content exclusive is going to be a pain once again.


This is where I’m at too. Just get this done so we can move on to interesting stuff.


I find ABK interesting though.