Japanese games. I just don't get it!

You mean like Sony did with the Little Devil Inside Kickstarter?


Oh, right. That happened too.

They know. They’ve known for awhile. All Phil heard last gen was how there are no Japanese games on Xbox and look how things have turned around the last two years. If Atlus wants to do a deal, it’ll be on Xbox before you can blink.

Phil already knows about Persona. He is regularly in contact with Sega. He was the reason we got Yakuza series on Xbox Gamepass. Remember Yakuza was exclusively on PS from 2005 to 2018 when 0 got ported to PC(not including spin offs)

So I believe Persona will come to other platforms. ITs a good way to give that franchise a 2nd life just like yakuza. Pretty sure yakuza has double or tripled in playerbase since coming to Gamepass.

Phil knows about all the stuff we complain about, it isn’t just as easy as we think to make it happen lol.

Of course not. But they’ve done a good job getting the JPN titles we’ve had. I just feel like Persona is the ultimate.

Especialy since FFXVI is timed exclusive. Persona and DQ are the next best thing.

Yeah, I think Atlus is in the bag. We got Soul Hackers 2 and insiders suggesting we’re getting 3 and 4 on Xbox. I’m expecting when 6 is announced this fall it’ll be on PS/Xbox/PC.

Oh man, not going to lie, any potential exclusivity aside, I would be very happy if Project Eve is the Nier Automata of this generation because that means im getting one hell of a game!!

Tbh im taking what insiders think about persona and xbox with a grain of salt.

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