Im getting tired of this False narrative!

I agree with you. I appreciate that it might have gotten lost in all I wrote, but my greater point was that there’s a wide variety of factors at play here, including what you’ve said. Zoro and I touched earlier on how the smaller userbase of the Xbox One generation was one such factor, for example. I also think that it’s essential to emphasize, as you have, that absolute objectivity is impossible, from journalists to consumers. I expressed this earlier when I mentioned what a big Spider-Man mark I am :stuck_out_tongue:

The press, such as it is, is by no means perfect and I certainly didn’t mean to imply that. The only thing I believe I concretely stated about them was that dismissing them as only being into a particular type of game was reductive. It’s obviously not true as they aren’t a monolith and it suffocates any attempt at a more comprehensive examination.

To your point about the mechanism of influence towards journalists: I can’t say for certain: I don’t engage in social media at all outside of seeing some tweets here and there, and I try to only use video games forums and news sites for news. It’s entirely possible that you’re right about this. Unconscious bias is real and pervasive, and it can seep into even the most impartial person and color their view.

In the end, I think it’s important to remember that these personalities et alia are just doing a job. The sinster cabal you jokingly alluded to is plainly not real but I sometimes see people act though it is. I understand that it must be frustrating to see a dearth of frank impartial coverage, but in the end, it really all is about money. I don’t doubt many of the journalists are passionate about the subject matter, but when your livelihood depends on attention, you write what’s more likely to keep you fed (and/or what your boss says).

I genuinely think that this conversation is an interesting one, but I do think that it’s largely rooted in that frustration. I love hearing about how things work behind the scenes in this industry, but at the end of the day, it doesn’t affect me directly if MS is getting fair coverage or not. You could make an argument that they base some of their decisions based on how they’re depicted. To that, I would just say that it’s all entirely outside of my control. Why waste the energy getting mad about it? Life’s too short to throw a hissy fit about what so and so from IGN said or the fact that some shmuck fanboy influencer made a video about how Xbox has no games or whatever.

Really, I just want to play good games comfortably and cheaply. Xbox is a fantastic place for me to do that. That’s pretty much where my investment ends.

Edit: Want to make it clear that I’m not talking about anyone specific when I talk about hissy fits and whatnot.

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About colored perspectives and influence do you guys remember when Gears 5 was out on Game Pass before the reviews hit? do you remember the change in tone when the first low scoring reviews (like Gamespot’s) started to hit? before the reviews the general consensus was very very positive overall, after the first 6’s and 7’s the excitement levels dropped like a rock and the narrative started to change from great fun to “stale” and “another flop by MS” parroting some of the reviewers “complaints”. I remember that I had already finished the campaign and when I saw the negative reviews I was wondering if we played the same game. :stuck_out_tongue:

Also about the “stale” and “not innovative enough” complaints about Gears 5 it’s almost like it’s a case by case thing in the last few years, press and gamers WILL turn a blind eye and ignore the lack of innovation in certain games but rip a new one on others for the same thing. Reviews for certain games tend to focus on the lack of innovation while for others it doesn’t even get mentioned…turning a blind eye on the safe approaches of Miles Morales and Uncharted 4 but expecting and demanding “the new innovation in the genre” from Streets of Rage 4 and Gears 5 for example is funny at this point…just decide what you want from games and if it’s innovation at least have the decency as someone who is influencing many people’s lives and the industry as whole to stick with it for every publisher and game out there. The interesting thing is that the same thing can be seen in core forums when those games are discussed so yeah I totally agree that influence and colored perspectives are definitely a thing.

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If this is true, then it’s depressing and doesn’t surprise me at all. I’ve definitely seen what you’ve said about cherrypicking flaws in some games and ignoring them in others. I do try to keep Hanlon’s razor in mind, the maxim to which TavishHill referred earlier. “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”. I try to replace it with a more neutral “ignorance” though, since it’s less aggressive :sweat_smile:


To put things in perspective just replace Miles Morales with a Gears 6-8 hours SP only expansion at 60 euros as a launch title, I find really hard to believe that it would be at 85% right now at metacritic to put it lightly. :stuck_out_tongue: :smile:

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Good post! I missed earlier stuff ya had said in the thread I think. Just to add to what I quoted about money here since ya mentioned it, the reinforcement from getting clicks and positive engagement is also a big factor. I’ve criticized DF before for how they pick titles and use PS5 as the default console to show off ‘next gen features’ in some videos, which they likely do to get more clicks. They frame some vids as comparing PS5 vs XSX but then don’t actually compare them at all, again for the clicks. So even when it isn’t the actual content itself being influenced it can be how audiences see it being framed (i.e. the framing that PS5 is ‘the’ next gen platform standard bearer).

Lots of stuff shaping the discourse these days comes from YT’ers including many who straight bullshit to tell fanbases what they wanna hear for clicks and then turn around the next day and recycle their nonsense.

‘Proper’ games press has to compete with that kinda thing and even without trying to copy YT’er style/presentation, they do seem to falling into some traps here, like offering lots of dumb hot takes as if they gotta react the very instant any news hits, as if audiences can’t possibly wait to hear thoughtful analysis. See: Ryan McCaffery’s horrible hot take tweets, lol.


Ha ha, don’t get me started on tweets and hot takes :stuck_out_tongue:

I think we’re in agreement that there’s some bad faith behind some of the negativity, but there’s also self-interest. We can’t treat people like they’re paragons of truth and impartiality, or like they’re our friends. It’s just business to them, and it should just be entertainment to us. Conflating the fanboyism that exists in the wild (I hate twitter so much) with the mercenarism these parties have to engage in isn’t helpful or fair.

I realize we’re having a wordy discussion on a forum specifically about video games so saying “it’s just video games bro lighten up” is a touch hypocritical. Even so, I’d really like it if we as a community tried to focus more on games and ecosystems than the drama surrounding fanboys and console wars :smiley:


Your comparing games of the past, this thread is about the strategy going foward.

The conversation had kind of veered towards that subject, and I think it’s difficult to identify the root causes without looking at history. Anyway, I have a line in there about how MS are in a great position to change the conversation going foward.

I think people care too much about other people’s opinions. Jason is just another person with an opinion.

I can see the appeal for Sony games, but they don’t do it for me, most are usually one and never touch again for me.

But Microsofts first party games usually stay with me for years, 18 months later I’m still playing gears 5 multiplayer nearly every day.

I still play forza horizon 4 and sea of thieves occasionally too.

Hell I even still boot up killer instinct and halo on rare occasions. (killer instinct really needs a new game)

Just look forward to the upcoming games from Microsoft, people will start to notice the first party efforts and the insane value of game pass over time. :smiley:

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For me personally, while im hyped and excited for the majority of Microsoft’s first party exclusives, my one concern is in regards to their quality. I don’t want them rushed out or with minimal content or with a shit ton of technical issues. I’m hoping they take their time.

Quality wise, Sony is so far ahead that it’s not even funny. At least for me anyway. The last Microsoft published game that was my own personal game of the year was Gears 2 in 2009 and Gears UE by default in 2007.

On the PlayStation side, they’ve given me 6 games that were my own personal game of the year so Microsoft definitely needs to up their shit, plain and simple. And again, this is for me personally.

I don’t care what critics or other people say because neither have anything to do with me. On a side note, PlayStation would be at 7 if Tsushima ends up being my 2020 game of the year which as of now, it is but I haven’t played Cyberpunk 2077 yet so it will be one of these two games.

For 2021, I am expecting Halo Infinite to be the favorite to be my own personal game of the year but at the same time, it still remains to be seen if that happens.

I’m confused, where in that quote does he talk about quality? It looks like he’s describing the difference between caring about sales and thus expecting millions and millions of sales or caring about users subscribing.

Am I missing something here?

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I’m still laughing at the “False Narrative” and “Xbox has 4-8 AAA games every year”.

Seems rather hypocritical to make a false narrative in the exact same thread that talks about them. But hey.

Same, I still have no clue how the op extrapolated all this from the original comment from Schreier.

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Is this massage normal?

I was looking for the report that Bloomberg had published about Microsoft acquisition plans in Japanese markets back on November 2020. The link don’t work. Is this mean the report was wrong or ?

This link works.

I guess it depends on what Jason means by “opposite approach” Microsoft are taking. I think that statement is incorrect, Microsoft are not taking the opposite approach, they seem to be do the same approach as sony but doing it even more and deploying additional approaches.

What part do you not understand? I tried my best to make it as easy to understand as possible.

So how many do you think they will produce with there 25 dev teams?

I thought Xbox had around 35 dev teams.

I think Matt booty said they had 25dev teams at the Bethesda announcement event, but I could be wrong.