I still dont understand how the PS5 cooling system works

This. They’ll have to spend way more money for quiet fans though.


Yeah, because despite what was said clocks do not rise all the boats, there are many performance crucial aspects that are not risen by an overclock in the gpu core.

And those particular numbers don’t matter because they haven’t been a problem for over a decade in gpu design, you’ll run into a hundred of other bottlenecks before being limited by those numbers.

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This is genius.

It’s crazy that this close to launch we have yet to see the PS5 internals. I feel like they’ve been holding back for fear of people being able to extrapolate and properly guesstimate the cost of the console. Heck Sony has yet to officially reveal the dimensions of the PS5.

Yet we know everything about the Series X|S. We know every component and how everything is put together. We also know from Jeff Grubb that MS is selling both at a loss. With them taking a bigger loss on the smaller Series S.

I’ll be legitimately shocked if Sony manages to sell the PS5 DE for $399 (like many people are hoping and praying for).

I’ve said this before: I don’t think showing the internals is a common thing, so Sony is okay here IMO. MS was just really proud of what they accomplished. Now what is odd is them only showing half the console in renders. There is no reason for them to not have shown the back of the console or the right side of the console, so they are purposely avoiding something there. Keep in mind this that is a render I’m talking about, we haven’t seen a real physical console at all if you don’t count the leak.

I mean it is Sony so you give them the benefit of the doubt, but this doesn’t feel right. Maybe the power supply is just slapped on the back like the disk drive is on the side or something?

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Something to do with the heat dissipation or the SSD removal possibility I would rather say.

I know how you calculated texture fill rate! But can explain how other parameters come out?

Nice try. Kudos for reviving the thread tho.

Mind showing us how to count then?