Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

This really doesn’t make sense to me. 343 has tons of level designers, artists, and other devs that have nothing to do with things like co-op.

What are they all doing while 343 focus on forge and co-op?

This could explain why they corrected the Tank Gun bug.


That stream was crazy, huh guys? I know it can be hard to commit to watching an hour and a half long stream, so @SoulBlazerz and I broke it down for you in less that 15 minutes! Check it out :slight_smile:


Was there any news on ranked at all?

They said they are working on it

All I’m really hoping for is ranked slayer and ranked doubles. Would also like to see both behemoth and the other map be added back into ranked. Behemoth was fine I thought, and I think slayer br’s on it will play good.

If they don’t do any of the above I’ll be pretty upset. At the very least cycle some of the modes. One flag would be nice, attrition too.

Am I right in thinking that Joe said that the narrative events are playable content? I keep getting a weird feeling its just a longer cutscene, but i cant remember.

I personally got the impression that stuff like progression, dsync, ranked etc are the things that will be worked on this season.

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That’s the impression I got as well, and that they would be delivered by Drop Pod updates.

Hey…what does Pfhobear have to do with this?


If this is the case then my bad 343

I thought it was dumb to remove but if it causes things like this then yeah, had to be done

343 should announce their Drop Pods on Xbox Era’s Drop Pod because it’s the only Halo news YouTube content that doesn’t get whiny and vitriolic. :sunglasses::sunglasses:



“today on DropPod, our speshal guest…”



Honestly the goal is to have as many different members of the team as we can. Even the toxic ones :wink:

/s obviously, love ya Nick :kissing_closed_eyes:

I sincerely appreciate that! When I started making content on my own back in 2020, my goal was always to provide a place of positivity where the negatives could be discussed objectively and constructively while raising people’s voices up that might not otherwise find them (content creators vs typical fans). I like to think it was both that and my fucking lovable face that made Jon ask me to join forces with him again.

Not to get too long winded about this, but a good amount of content creators seem to think that their opinions are the most valuable and it only gets worse when you have people in droves following them and hanging on their every thought as though it were their own. In reality, the typical player or even hardcore fan rarely feels as offended by things like an extended season. I think it’s important that the vocal minority listen to the silent majority and actually help to perpetuate those values and opinions when it comes to, at the very least, the Halo community. I love these games, I love and admire 343 as much as Bungie, and I just want the Halo community to stop both being perceived as and actively personifying a fucking cesspool lol

Okay, rant over <3


So I went back and had a look and nobody actually calls the narrative events playable at any point. Just that its a narrative event. What if each ‘narrative event’ is just a 5-minute cutscene :no_mouth:

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Im still but confused by the narrative events, but Joe says after the cutscene teaser you go straight into playing the event (fades into the helmet of the lone wolf).

They talk quite a bit about wanting to give player agency here, but i really cant picture what this is (not long to wonder now though)

I’m fully anticipating this season’s narrative events to be incredibly simplistic. I imagine that things will ramp up as time goes on, but like you said, we’ll find out in 5 days lol


It’s worth noting the actual narrative events aren’t till later in the season, though I don’t know exactly how it all works.

the first one launches on May 3rd :slight_smile: Interference is May 3rd to the 16th

Oh I was super wrong then! I saw two dates attached and never even registered that it was the same start date