Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

Lots of players have left the game and less players will obviously increase the chances of worse connections and ping

Forge should bring a fair amount of people back and that will help alleviate that a bit

Desync definitely is an issue though and has bee there since day 1

The player base isnā€™t so low that itā€™s causing high ping games. In North America itā€™s doing decent enough on the most played chart.


Itā€™s dropped to 25th place here in Sweden, lowest so far :slightly_frowning_face:. Whereā€™s it at in the US?

This week, it is 16th in Canada.

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Thatā€™s pretty good!




Well, thatā€™s decent. Will probably get a good bump everywhere when co-op releases.


PvE? Lets go!

I think 19 is good enough that here in the states that you canā€™t blame bad connection games and desync on the player base.

I live on populated west coast, and have a killer connection.

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Im super casual and have finished my battlepass for a few weeks now. I wish we could ā€˜prestigeā€™ our battlepass by earning challenge swaps/boosts etc

I still play a bit for fun, but my lizard brain is dissapointed when that bar is full.

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There just needs to be player progression of some kind that isnā€™t battle pass related. Also a leaderboard and service record would be nice to track kills, k/d, wins, and even medals.


I played my first match today in over a month and it felt like there were some subtle but significant changes that I couldnā€™t quite put my finger on. Sprinting seemed to be slower and I couldnā€™t get to grips with the aiming at all. The game seemed to look different artistically too - brighter somehow? And everyoneā€™s shield looked totally different at each stage of being worn down.

I donā€™t know if itā€™s just that I havenā€™t played it for so long, or maybe because Iā€™ve been playing other games and have lost my instinctive adjustments to it, but I couldnā€™t get through a single match without scrunching my face up at the wrongness of everything. What the hell.

The game is pretty much the same, or maybe I missed something. Thereā€™s no magical patch since last month I think. All gameplay mechanics are the same.

But it may be a case of ā€œnew patch syndromeā€. I get that impression sometimes when I pick up a game again after some random updates and see more changes that there actually are, especially visually. That or someone messed with your graphical settings !

Itā€™s most probably that, yeah - a kind of negative placebo effect? I was noticing stuff Iā€™ve never noticed before - like when your shield is partially down, your gun-holding arm has a kind of honeycomb pattern all over it. I could have sworn I was no longer drifting about ever so slightly when stationary too, but I was probably imagining that also. Hopefully another few rounds will sort me out.

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Yeah, kind of placebo effect ! I suspect devs change the UI with patches sometimes for that purpose of tricking the player, because you notice the changes more when UI changes.

Sorry to tell you that but honeycomb pattern on shield has been there since beta last year, even for the player.

Drifting could dead zone or your controller ? I have a controller with stick drift, so I slightly drift sometime too.



Hey look Nick

Itā€™s a moist biome!