Ranked matchmaking. How are the teams decided exactly? I thought there was some MMR calculation to make the game as balanced/close as possible, but so often the best players are put on one team and the worst players on the other. Last game I played there were four plats on my team, and on the other team a diamond 5, diamond 4, diamond 1 and a gold 5. The game seems to think putting a gold player on a team of diamonds balances it out. It doesn’t. It’s like it tries to find eight players of (very roughly) similar skill (except not really) and then just randomly splits them with no regard for individual skill.
Yup and console players should only play console players and for PC players plus they need to make it just Solos having duos in with it make no sense to me
I totally get friends wanting to team up in ranked, but that does tend to be one of the main reasons for completely unbalanced games. Typically it’s a high diamond/onxy player with their silver/gold buddy tagging along, and the matchmaking has an impossible task of making a balanced opposition. It’s also really demoralising if you’re the token gold player that’s thrown into the other team to make up the MMR numbers, only to find yourself pitted against some onyx player, and your teammates become frustrated at your inability to compete.
Apart from the BR mode containing classic maps (which doesn’t make any sense at all from the little I know of the mode) the rest seems somewhat conceivable to me.
It reads overly negative which gives me some doubt, but a part of me thinks it’s not entirely unrealistic either.
While that timeline seems so far out, prioritizing Forge will add so much life to the game that I think it can buy 343 all the time in the world especially if fan content is included into playlists. But I have a feeling that playlist inclusion and UGC browsing won’t come until S3.
I have to laugh at “343i still figuring out live-service games”. They were already doing that with Halo 5 and the MCC, they are no amateur when it comes to live-service, just the transition to F2P and how to balance stuff there ( even though Infinite was rather tame in terms of prices compared to many more other egregious GAAS out there ).
To me, it seems like one of these endless youtubers that already made their mind about Halo, overreacting to everything and putting a negative spin on whatever aspects of the game they can, just because they think it’s cool and can get them clicks ( which works ).
I mean anyone can just put out this stuff and pass it off as a “leak”. He hasn’t done anything to prove himself reliable. And some of the actual leakers such as InfiniteLeaks and HaloDotAPI are going against it. Anyway yeah, Forge is gonna provide a lot of longevity and fresh air to Infinite, can’t wait.
Infinite’s customization definitely has a few flaws, but I can’t lie, I really like it for the most part. I have a lot of fun just customizing my spartans. Can’t wait for when they finally implement cross-core.
This looks like a bit too much store bought content but I’ve made use of microsoft reward points for most of it. I’m particularly fond of the Mark V though which I think looks great with the deep green/gold coating they gave out through twitch.