Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead


Anyone else’s challenges bugged?.



The new assault rifle game pass skin is pretty awesome looking.

A few hours of Season 3 later, and yeah this game is great.

The bandit will definitely take some getting used to though. Right now I’m clearly better with the pistol and the commando, hopefully they can release a bandit starting playlist at some point.

The servers are also getting hammered, so my UI will regularly glitch up or take a while to load. No issues in game or getting into matches though, thankfully.


That Intro Cinematic is beautiful. Looks like a blur cutscene.

If anyone wonders why the menu ui seems to be stuttery. Framerate doesn’t exceed 90fps rn. It’s a known issue on xbox series


Love the new menu music

Maybe because I haven’t played in 2 weeks but it feels like the fidelity got some increase. Maybe it’s just me. I don’t recall me looking this clean.

very slick update. I really didn’t get the point of the story stuff until now, when executed it was really great and has me very interested in where this is going.

The carnage report has some really nice changes, although I think it might be broken in what it deems as ‘underperforming’ (I was just mucking around with bots, and a low death count was counted as underperformance)

Maybe that’s why my look crispy? I need to check.

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Man I just want to play a match on Oasis, but the game just doesn’t want to give me the map.

Watching Lucid play with the bandit

That thing in top players hands is crazy

I can’t seem to get the feel of that one. Was kinda hoping for something like the dmr from 4 but it just feels off to me. I’m definitely nowhere near top player though, probably right around average.

Keep in mind next week there will be a week long playlist that will be only Oasis. Will replace the featured playlist we have this week.

Then the week after that will be the Fracture event and a dedicated playlist for Extraction Slayer.


Vigor has an oddly timed midweek Double XP event so I played that during my gaming time but I made sure to play 1 match in Infinite (500XP daily challenge) and it was great.

Fiesta on Cliffhanger, and I was able to try the Shroud Shield which left a great impression. It created tactical situations, it created entertaining situations, and the deploy distance allowed for creativity.

I’m playing on the VCR X1 and something about the visuals seemed better, though I’m not sure if it’s fidelity or performance. It could be nothing & maybe I’m imagining things. But everything felt great.

I won’t be able to dive in until the weekend but I look forward to it. I really hope people who uninstalled the game (I’m not going to blame them) give it a shot now.

If 343 can add 1 new equipment and 1 weapon each season, that would be stellar. It truly changes things up and I can’t wait to try the Shroud on maps that I was starting getting sick of because it’ll change how we play them.

Also, I need to check Forge to see if my map keeps crashing it. I’ve been making a rally race track and it’s at the point where Forge crashes after a few actions. Hopefully they were able to update Forge with bug fixes.

This isn’t the Forge thread so I won’t go into details but I really want to get this out and have people think that this is from the DIRT series and not Halo. I think I’ve individually planted thousands of trees, heh. (Copy/paste a dozen trees at a time but have to manually put them into the ground)

Some of the discussion is based on false assumptions, sort of frustrating to read. But hey people can discuss whatever they’d like so it’s all cool. Those of us that aren’t interested can simply scroll past it.

What I find more fascinating is the idea that Slipspace could be upgraded going forward. RT shadows (have to check if GI is included) is a start. Using DX12U features like Direct Storage and mesh shaders (think Nanite but in hardware) could push the visuals further. If this game keeps making money then I can see them justifying that investment.


To be clear, I never said that 343 couldn’t replicate the Halo feel on UE5, just that it would take a lot of dev time and experimentation. Which really doesn’t seem worth it when you already have an engine that does that on top of supporting extremely complex game features such as Forge, Theatre, their xp system, battle pass system, the physics simulation, campaign co-op etc.

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Rubber cap on the left analogue stick of my XB1 controller broke last night after a few rounds of HI S3. Super annoying, I ordered replacement caps online but will have to wait a few days. I tried to configure the Steam controller, but couldn’t make it work at all - mouse-like settings feel nice, but give minimal aim assist, so I was at a massive disadvantage, joystick-like is completely off and no amount of tweaking helped.

Escalation slayer is fun, but kind of basic and I can’t understand why they couldn’t launch a second mode (VIP) alongside it. Forge creators are able to script more involved modes in an afternoon or two. :thinking:

Oasis is stunning, but my super early impressions (2 matches only) is that the map still feels rather cramped with plenty of rocks everywhere blocking the line of sight. The next BTB map (Engine) won’t be truly open either. Maybe 343i could introduce a 8v8 BTB playlist and offer remakes of maps like Valhalla or Blood Gulch.

Cliffhanger does feel big at first, sometimes even finding opponents took a noticeable while. But learning the map layout will probably help with the flow of the gameplay.

The new maps are gorgeous. And Cliffhanger makes me want a next-gen Reach remake (but Halo 3 first).


New maps are pretty cool. Love the new gun and equipment item.

They’re gonna have to completely revamp the progression system to ever get me or most players who dropped the game back playing on a consistent basis but this is a great step in the right direction.


The new escalation slayer mode is amazing. Especially at the end when shroud screens are grtting spammed and the battle turns into a chaotic brawl. Really fun