Halo |OT2| Forging Ahead

I wish Bonnie Ross all the best .


The thing the studio needs now after the new leadership is to go undercover . And take their time to organize the studio and make a roadmap for the series .

And if I were in their place I will stop release updates to the game and come back next year with new and huge ( content + story expansion ) and re-release the game With huge marketing

Now that’s a take… let me just grab my magic game-development wand…


Knowing the head of studio, I sense the HHH effect and if so, we’ll be good.

We’re live this thursday, follow the link if you want to drop us a question


Gotta say folks, really pleased to come here and not read a single ridiculous hot take. :heart:


Yet again running into the issue of not being able to play ranked with friends because some of us have finished our placement games and some have not.

Right?! I love this community.


We see you as just a friend


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Already figured Infinite will eventually find its stride, but this restructuring makes me more optimistic.

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Y’all keep saying “story expansion” but that takes years (probably at least 3) to make.

When Xbox trademarked Halo: The Endless everyone was in the impression there is a story dlc coming soon. But just look at breath of the wild 2, that was supposed to be a quick follow up as well and now its been over 5 years, 6 years by the time the games comes out.

Games just take more time and Halo needs a bigger team, much bigger. Like at least double of what they are doing now.

People compare it to other big games like cod. But Halo has only 500 developers compared to 3000 working on Cod. 500 is just not enough for this huge IP. Thats why they always get complaints.

I hope Pierre Hintze knows this and will hire more people longterm


Campaign is the least of their worries. They’re trying to make this a successful live service game at the moment, not further divide their workforce into different segments of the game.

Maybe I’m wrong and they’ll announce a campaign expansion next year but I doubt it.

While multiplayer is likely the priority it wouldn’t surprise me if they were still working on the campaign expansion, I mean they’ve got a whole separate campaign team and not everyone’s role can be transferred over to work on live service elements. It might be too impractical to hold off entirely.


I am curious how separate it is and how much of that staff could have been pulled over to to multiplayer (or into things like campaign co-op).

I think it’s telling when they are dropping features for prioritization that they are throwing everything they can at getting things going on MP.

For the record, I have no ill will against Bonnie Ross. In fact, I don’t understand the hate for her in recent time. They made it sound like we are dealing with Vince Russo. Don’t know who that is? He practically helped on killing a wrestling company as well as damaging another.

Anyway, the next phase of plan is promising however. Rather than giving the jobs to one person, utilize them in their specialty and if one can’t do that one job, allow someone else to do it. For haters on Halo out there, much like what’s going on with WWE currently, a person’s retirement can be your downfall. That is all.

What happened there?

There are two companies in the mainstream area: WWE and AEW. WWE had many problems that practically turned heads of hardcore wrestling fans to AEW, especially when it’s treated like wrestling heaven. Make no mistake, WWE is still market leader, but it was losing TV ratings, ticket sales, etc. AEW had a chance to capitalize the momentum, especially how much their boss Tony Khan wants to beat them despite his denial.

This year, Vince McMahon, who has been running WWE since 80s or earlier, got heat with allegations on things that I let you research if you want more detail. Long story short, he decided to retire from his position. In my mind, the allegations and problematic behind the scene like employee being unhappy were like joy for the hater and AEW. It’s as if the downfall for WWE was here. Instead, the opposite is happening.

Triple H or Paul Levesque took over creative control and after the experience he gained from running NXT, he is more than ready. Once he took over, WWE product changed a lot and still going. Employees are now in good spirit, ticket sales boomed, TV ratings boomed, and the momentum is going strong. Whatever the haters hoped for is now backfiring hard. In fact, I dare say this moment is similar to Xbox of today, minus market leader.

Paul is like Phil, he worked on NXT, but can’t go hard because the big boss said no. Phil couldn’t go all in with Xbox One because the big boss was still new as the CEO. Paul got full control now, so he can change so many things inside and out. Phil got full control as well, now that Microsoft officially gave him a blank check in a way.

In short, with Bonnie Ross gone (wish her best) and the restructured leadership is formed, those who were hoping for them to go out in the sunset like recently Babylon’s Fall will soon eat their words.