Halo |OT| Master Chief's Breath of the Wild Moment (Part 1)

Halo community is incredibly toxic, I just unsuscribed from HiddenXperia, it’s months he whines like a crybaby over anything isn’t transforming Halo Infinite over a 2021 copy of Halo 3, lmao.


Yeah, it read more like an opinion piece from Kotaku than anything else, which is a bit weird from WC. Jez already went on record saying he doesn’t really agree there, but he doesn’t want to censor what others from the team are doing, and I agree with that. However, this article, at least to me, was a bit pointless.

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I’m just watching his recent one about how he is DiShEaRtEnEd by Infinite. He said the straw that broke the camels back is that there doesn’t seem to be a progression system in the game at launch.

That is totally plucked out of the air. Infinite will have account levels. There’s not a single chance the game doesn’t have levels. I will swallow my pet rabbit whole if infinite doesn’t launch with a simple account levelling system.

Edit: Man, really not a good video. He kept saying things like they were definitive. Like the game only has two game modes??? Bro what, the game is going to launch with more than 2 game modes.

He also was drawing comparisons to the competition being CoD and Battlefield which just baffling and if ANYTHING is in Halo’s favour. CoD has linear campaign (no co-op) and MP and second team working on Zombies for full price. Battlefield is MP only with custom games (which Infinite still has… just no forge) for full price. Halo has SP, MP, academy, custom games and halo of that is literally free.


I did like the ‘ranks’ that Halo Reach had, obviously they didn’t really mean anything aside from higher ranks played more rather than skill, but I thought it was a fun thing to have.

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The most annoying thing about the vocal-Halo community is 99% of their ideas/complaints revert back to copying Halo 1-3. The complaints about Halo Infinite’s progression system isn’t that it’s bad, it’s that it isn’t like Halo 2 or 3.

I am as big of a Bungie Era Halo fan as there is, but I also understand that 343 simply can’t copy and paste every single idea that Bungie had. It’s very annoying when you see very prominent Halo content creators shouting from the rooftops about something and their ideas are limited to games from the mid 2000’s. It really shows their lack of perspective and it’s frankly really tiresome at this point.


I hate you.

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I think you should not post it here, anyway I see you are really fast on shitting on Halo/343i, like with the xp controversy lol, even without info. Or you are trolling? Spoilers are banned, I won’t click on it anyway.


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it’s fine, the spoilers aren’t as major as you think. :wink:

Dude, what the fuck. You can’t just post the entire premise of the plot on here. I’m calling the mods.


Maybe since Halo leaks are very real and prominent, don’t come in here trolling about leaks?


This exactly the most I’ve seen is people telling me their thoughts on the story as they seen the Leaks themselves no I don’t know any spoilers so you won’t get them from me

I’m not sure if I just if this is all satire that I’m not understanding or if there was some real negative news that I have yet to see

Frankly I’m scared

Parts of the story leaked quite a while ago. I like what i’ve seen so far, and most others had a positive reaction too. Some people don’t like it though. At the end of the day it’s a dry lap of text without context, and not something to worry about. Think the post that stirred the controversy was satire though and not a real leak, missing context in this case too :stuck_out_tongue:


It was just a random shitpost lol.

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Even if a thousand things leak right now, only the real game will tell you the truth.

People want Halo to fail hard, I don’t even know why, but I’ve seen enough to know that 343 is really trying to make this the best game they can, even without some core features.

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Anyone else super excited to see the progress made on the next flight. The last one was more than a month ago, and it was on a 2 month old build. Cant wait to see the next one. Really hoping it’s starting this week.

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Was sent more campaign leaked images for the record it seems to be from the first mission which we have seen before

I think John and the pilot gets married in the end.