Halo |OT| Master Chief's Breath of the Wild Moment (Part 1)

That blog post was kinda good to go through.

Was friendly fire and player collision already confirmed to be there at launch? Cuz I think they are important. Lack of friendly fire made the games a nade spamming fest cuz there was no consequence for blinding throwing nades anywhere you saw. And lack of player collision limited certain fun and interactive sandbox potential.

One other thing that didn’t get mentioned in there that I feel would definitely be great to have is Skewer actually pinning opponents to the ground or the wall. You see it fucking topple over a whole ass Warthog in the trailer, yet doing the same to enemies and they just… drop dead.

Grav hammer speed and impact and sound design is great, the greater AOE is justified by its slower swing. But yeah it’d be nice to see enemies actually bounce or launch away like it were a gravity hammer instead of just some powerful battering ram. Melee already does these ragdolls really well so it’s not like new physics gotta be added. Just implement the same for grav hammer and it’d feel a lot more fun to use, outside just its power. Getting the grav hammer should feel like you’re just about to see some goofy ass ragdolls as an additional layer of fun and humor outside just its sheer power. And the melee animation for grav hammer should be updated to distinguish itself more.

Hyped for the next flight, hopefully its soon!

I hope the XP challenge for play X number of games makes people feel a little better. Seems like you are always earning XP from that but not as much as you could.

This progress report was good to read through. The transparency they have shown is definitely appreciated.

Judging by how well they have continued to support MCC, I am sure they will do the same for Infinite :crossed_fingers:

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Sprint only radar is something I could see end up only being see used for Slayer matches. And not for objective modes

It makes sense to make it more risky to get on opponents radar when you’re trying to grab a flag, or plant a bomb. Especially in Big Team matches, where most engagements are out of radar range anyway. But actual objective plays bring you in to an enemies base

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lol this is a weird way to do what’s pretty much per match XP, but at least it seems to exist in challenge form that refreshes infinitely. It’s certainly better than nothing.

But here I am wondering why this wasn’t communicated properly before?? Because Jerry here says this but Junyshek said back then there’d be no per match XP at launch, but this here is functionally the same thing! Either they didn’t communicate this properly which would’ve negated a lot of bad press, or this is the result of the reaction/feedback they got. Either way, a good alleviation of the XP problem, although still a bit weird.


It may be functionally the same thing, but leverages the challenge system and infrastructure rather than some arbitrary match based xp system.

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Yeah this basically confirms that you will earn xp every match… which is what everyone wants. The Battle Pass in HI is basically the Halo Reach/5 progression system but with optional paid elements. I still see a lot of people asking for an actual progression system, when this is it.


Yeh, sounds essentially like per match XP designed to deter early quitters and fit into the wider weekly challenge system.

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I know but it’s literally per match XP, while Junyshek said that wouldn’t be there in the game at launch. That’s the weird part, I know it’s the same but molded around the challenge based XP progression which will underpin the monetisation system as well (XP boosters, challenge swaps, etc)

The how wouldn’t have mattered if people knew they could still get the per match XP at the end of the day. Instead they were told that almost conclusively that it won’t be there at launch, yet here it is lol.

i think by that people are referring to alternate forms of progression outside just the battle pass, like ranks and stuff. Think Warframe with its Night Wave battlepass but still having the Mastery Rank system.

pretty much.

I think it’s extremely odd to not have a normal progression system in 2021. Halo 4 and 5 had there numbered system. Reach and 3 had there more military approach to ranks. It’s baffling that it isn’t there.

But those ranks don’t do anything in Halo. In the other bro-shooters it’s for weapon unlocks. If anything, it’s only for the Dress Up Barbie section. I don’t see why you’d want ranks in Halo. It overly complicates unlocks.

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I’m a bit concerned that 343 didn’t mention collisions or physics at all in there feedback. Probably the 2 biggest issues with the tech test. Walking through players is horrible, and the physics where terrible. Really weird because they mention the gravity hammer but not mention the main criticism around it. That it doesn’t blast away people. No Granada jumps. Walking through teammates and enemies?

To not have a completely negative post I will say that I’m extremely happy that 343 have decided to have social settings and competitive settings. It will make a huge difference for both comp players and social players.

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Yea thank goodness for that

Wasn’t that only reach? I don’t remember rank in 3,4 or 5 being tied to unlocks.

That just shows how Ranks are even more worthless and we don’t need them at all in Halo.

there just needs to be some form of progression outside the battle pass that’s persistent and independent of the battle pass.

Maybe it’s their way of detering quiters. Like you have to complete matches to get the XP…then again it’s like that anyway…I don’t know

Ultimately it means people get what they wanted. Will that stop the discourse on it? Probably not. I still expect tons of tweets and videos about how it’s confusing and should just be the old way. And also some that will say things like this is just another reason to have less faith in Infinite overall

I can just see that shmuck Dreamcast Guy’s preview pic now, with 343’s logo inside a big red circle with an X going through it

exactly lol

lol I wouldn’t doubt that.

dumb af

Never watched a single video of his, good riddance.

The more I think of it, this guy is talking about this ever repeating complete a match challange like it’s been there the whole time. Though to me it seems more likely they added this in since the feedback and just don’t want to admit that they caved

Not a big deal, either way. It gets the job done. And if they are indeed picking this time to not be as honest and open as they’ve been otherwise…fine. People have been such douchbags about this thing, so I can see why they wouldn’t want to validate them

I’m confused did everyone get amnesia after the flighting haha, there were daily challenges which had stuff like play CTF, win X match, play 1 game and so on but the problem in the flight was there was a bug that caused the daily challenges to end abruptly after like 10, which they have already said it’s a bug and should be almost infinite.

All this on top of weekly challenges and I’m gonna assume they’ll add monthly challenges too.