My mistake. In that context, yeah what they pulled off with the system design is impressive.
Regarding Hellblade, I’m sure it’ll look amazing but that trailer hardly counts when it wasn’t running on real hardware. The original Halo Infinite trailer should teach us all a good lesson.
I think the hellblade 2 trailer counts as much as things like horizon 2 in engine trailer.
But I do agree they need a another showpiece, however what sony has shown does not look that much better then control maxed out on a rtx2080
I think it matters a whole lot more since it was running on original hardware. Of course there’s a chance that it could be downgraded at release but that applies to any pre-release trailer.
I also wouldn’t agree on the Control comparison entirely. While neither company revealed any game with the range of RT features found in Control, the base game was still bound by current gen limitations. Aspects like texture quality, draw distance, geometry, etc were all more impressive in the Horizon trailer. Not sure there is any accurate way of comparing an open world game to a metroidvania corridor shooter anyway.
Not to say the northlight engine isn’t impressive and next gen ready. I just expect their next game to look a million times better when they can just focus on next gen hardware.
Framerate and image quality come into play, i was comparing control to rachet.
Rachet is impressive, the lighting, particle effects and poly count all look a step up, but overall control on a rtx2080 is competitive visually with rachet. Horizon 2 is a better representation of what the retail game will look like because its a lot further in development, however I believe Phil when he said that the hellblade 2 demo was made in engine to take full advantage of the XsX and I think games will reach it and even surpass it in some cases.
They won’t look notably better going 4k–>1080p compared to 1440p–>1080p. It just isn’t something you would notice on screen. If you need DF to zoom in on pixels to tell the difference b/t a XSS and PS5 version, that’s a dominant win for MS (sub-$300 vs $500 most likely).
We don’t actually know what Sony’s showcase games are genuinely running on. “PS5 systems” refers to dev kits and PC are indeed included in that, as per the fine print on these showings. No different than how MS does it.
My only quibble wrt R&C is that ppl seem to imagine they were seeing soemthing different than what was actually shown. Nearly all of the ‘instant’ world transitions take several seconds and the means to transition is all on rails. The scenes the player is dropped into are also not all that big just by the look of it.
Horizon showed cutscenes that most likely do not reflect actual in-game texture quality btw. It’s more comparable to Hellblade 2, which was also real-time, in-engine cutscenes and also showed snippets that might represent gameplay visuals and large open vistas/landscapes.
IMHO Control is a current gen game that doesn’t belong in such discussions for the reasons you noted. Definitely agree with ya there. It kinda feels like lots of games have their own caveats for comparisons. Flight Sim stomps everything in terms of real gameplay visuals imo, and that is only the surface level tech behind that game. It’s legit insane what they have pulled off.
For games that are 60fps and have as much ray tracing as control does, are not going to look much better then control on a rtx2080+,
Look at godfall its 60fps that looks like a 30fps current gen game.
Sure but GodFall looks straight up mediocre. I’d also say GodFall is not representative of what typical next gen games will look like. I sure hope not, at least.
They don’t have anything like the tensor cores from Nvidia but MS did add 4 and 8-bit integer support in the shaders for Series X for machine learning work. Sony is said to also have a solution but I haven’t read up on the patent yet.
I’m just going off of what DF learned after they visited Microsoft for the SX. They specifically said machine learning techniques take less precision so MS added support for 4-bit and 8-bit integer support.