Final Fantasy XIV coming to Xbox Series in Spring 2024

My first reaction :


True that. But this is the new CEO, right?

There have been a few games that easily could have been on Xbox, but didnā€™t come to it. Hopefully those days are over now. And while Game Pass is great, if a game doesnā€™t have a GP deal thatā€™s fine, if a game is good, I buy.

It wouldnā€™t surprise me if we get any future FF spin offs, but not mainline. Sony sure seems to have locked that down.

I get it!


Xbox gamers and Phil Spencer were trending.

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The Check cleared!?

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Or maybe the new CEO sees the success of Capcom and realizes these exclusivity deals are stupid.


I am interested to see if this affects Squareā€™s outsourced games (majority of their output)

So far for upcoming Square games there is

  • DQ Infinity Strash - This added an Xbox version later but will be day and date, this might have been an early sign of this relationship? This game is made by Game Studio.
  • Star Ocean 2 Remake - Itā€™s Switch/PS/PCā€¦ Only out in November, may not add an Xbox ver. This game is made by GemDrops.
  • DQ3 Remake - The platforms remain unknown, the chance of it being Switch exclusive is high though, we just had DQ Treasures and soon DQ Monsters exclusive to it. DQ Treasures also only came to PC later, did not come to PS. Like other HD2D Square games, Squareā€™s internal Team Asano is working on it.
  • DQ12 - It will be on everything, thatā€™s my prediction. Internal Square game
  • KH4 - It will be on Xbox. Also internal Square game
  • Foamstars - It seems like thereā€™s Sony involved if itā€™s skipping PCā€¦ Not sure how many here are lamenting over this one, and I donā€™t think itā€™ll add an Xbox ver. Itā€™s made by Toylogic.

Rumored right now are FF9 Remake and FF Tactics port. Provided there isnā€™t any moneyhatting going on weā€™ll see what happens with these.


I am one of those crazy people that bought Nier Automata (even though Iā€™ve already played the game on my PS4), Nier Replicant, Octopath Traveler and Dragon Quest 11 on Xbox at full price to show the support (and I still havenā€™t played OT and DQ11 lol) so yeah I totally agree that Iā€™ll buy a game if it looks good. Just support the platform like a normal publisher and Iā€™ll buy your games just fine.

Capcom and From are two good examples of what SE should do with their games.


Can we get a Valkyrie Elysium port??

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I remember when many of you implied Phil was lying.


Who was saying this lol?

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Square Enix preparing for the inevitable acquisition from daddy Phil, making sure to get everything ported over and Gamepass ready!

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There are a few weirdos on this website who I could see saying this lol. Most of them are on my ignore list

That article from Jez aged like milkā€¦just a day later lol


Heā€™s a bit too emotional and writes articles like that as more of a blog and I do feel like sometimes he gets effected by what trolls say about Xbox and then sometimes adapt their stupid arguments, I donā€™t think he is being malicious with it just bleeds into what he is thinking.

Donā€™t hate him or anything, love listening to both him and Rand on XB2.


Jez in 2023 Vs Jez in 2020


I just like him when he gives actual info about games but aside from that dude is a living image of an insecure xbox fanboy.


Iā€™d love that.

I guess never say never, and letā€™s be pleasantly surprised if FF7R, 16 and future games do come to Xbox.

Same here. Nier Automata. But I took a break after the first boss killed me, found out there wasnā€™t any checkpoint at all, had to do it all over again, including unskipable cutscenes and what not. I still need to give it a second chance, lol. But that first part really threw me off.

Lying about what? Him trying his best with SE?

If people didnā€™t roast him for his Nicki Minaj tweet, thereā€™s no hope for humanity. Not the Nicki part, as I donā€™t care, about including celebs in COD.

Still in a little bit if disbelief about this, but Iā€™m donā€™t have any plans to play this game, but have fun anyone that will.

Mad Chad move right here.

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Yup, you could legitimately play for hundreds of hours just with the free trial - it is incredibly generous. I half wonder if we will see WoW go a similar route under Xbox - they certainly wonā€™t get rid of the subscription model for game pass but having a limited version of the game of the service to tempt people in? That could happen.
Either way, Iā€™ve put a LOT of time into XIV and I am very happy more people will get to experience something I enjoyed so much. The latest expansion serves as a finale to the main on-going storyline and fuck is it incredible.