Fable is going to be Xbox’s Destiny, right?

I’m all for shared world since that means you can do a lot more wrt world simulation. The story/progression needs to be really carefully made though. Devs need to understand that story progression is a viable and legitimate form of progression too.

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I thought Destiny was Microsofts Destiny now given Bungie announced the last Destiny DLC on Microsofts stage?

Not sure where they’ll go with Fable it’s been a while since we had one


Think GTA V and GTA Online in terms of structure.

Edit: I’ll add this:

“Will Kennedy, a level designer who worked on Grand Theft Auto V and its Online component, is the chief designer of Fable.” Via Video Games Chronicle.

Multiplayer and Single Player will both receive full care and attention. One wont be neglected in favour of the other or be tacked on.

There is also an incredible writing and narrative team at the Fable team. People will not feel that Multiplayer has compromised the single player aspect if that is what concerns people.


I always thought this iteration of Fable was going to be more akin to Zelda than Destiny.

I hope MS are trying to create their own GTA V rather than Destiny.

Destiny FEELS like a MP game that you can just bumble around in alone.

I hate anything where the principle is based upon ME crafting my experience. I pay YOU to craft my experience devs. I don’t get paid to do it.

So if they create a map, then a GTA style campaign, then create a separate online element, that’s fine.

But Destiny is not a good single player experience, for me…and one reason for this is it’s pandering to having more players in it.

I don’t think you will be disappointed.

I think multiplayer will be a thing but not on the scale as Destiny. I’m thinking more Dark Souls if anything

It will be on the scale of a GTA Online.

Same open world as SP. With Multiplayer specific quests and game mechanics.