Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty Expansion Teaser

I had the exact same experience. Played it on and off right after the release and I liked it, but was concerned about the bugs, crashes, upcoming patches etc. Just couldn’t seem to get a momentum going with playing it.

Finally dove back in in earnest after the next-gen patch and it’s like, wow, this is maybe my favorite game of the generation. I can’t believe I waited a year and a half to really get into it. It’s crazy to think what the reception to the game might have been like if it had released in a stable state.


I did not wait more than a month and had an excellent experience, my GOTY for 2020. It’s a great game, and has been all along. Sometimes the Internet mob is just wrong.


I’ve said it in the past and I’ll say it again Microsoft should buy CDPR. Doing this will give the other RPG developers more time to finish their game, plus it makes it known to everyone Xbox is where you go for RPGs.

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Sony will want the next 3 Cyberpunk/Witcher Games on PS or No deal.

Jokes aside Should I finally go back and play this again? Was meaning to go back.

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Might pick this up on PC for a second playthrough. DLC sounds interesting.

Too much politics involved for a studio who has very low output.

Sorry for getting back so late and as for your question, for me at least the game is better.

I’d say it isn’t perfect, but for what it is, it is a good game. Not as great as The Witcher 3, yet for a cyberpunk game, it is cool and hopefully CDPR has another chance at a Cyberpunk game be it Cyberpunk 2078 or Shadowrun.

Yeah I might get it as soon as its on Sale again.

So after finishing Edgerunners I’m incredibly impressed by how true it was to the game. There are already Youtube videos up showing how all the locations used in the show are real places in the game, and even how to recreate the show characters’ cyberware builds in-game. :smiley:


I haven’t finished the show yet, but it has been great so far, I just finished the fourth episode. That being said it is great to see CDPR doing shows like this and I hope someday we get to see another Cyberpunk game from them.

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