Console Wars The Card Game is our new Kickstarter - Live NOW!

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I would have got more if I thought of when initially pledging, It doesn’t let you add to when updating pledges. So I will get the Console Warrior edition, and I’m happy with that. I’m sure I can buy more in the future if the game does well.


Cool. I got that too, though I wish instead of two boxes it could have somehow been one larger box that can hold it all, but I get why that would be hard to do.

Going live

Brad Sams gives a good rap for Console Wars!


I thought all three of you will be at gamescon together, and in the booth !

We’ll all be there, though we have plenty of media appointments to see stuff so no clue when it will be at the same time.

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Isn’t Aarsal working the booth as well?

None of the main crew are outside of Jon. We’ll hang around it but Jon, his Mrs., and a couple of his friends will be manning the booth during the event.

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Aye - this is primarily so we can still focus on what the XboxEra community primarily sent us out there for - to cover Gamescom!


This looks amazing! Off to Kickstarter i go.

Im currently sat by a pool in Kos. If you send a courier i can do a poolside beta test. :smiley:


Latest update is out, found here!



Have you thought about putting Console Wars on Tabletop Simulator? I don’t mean as to sell a PC version of the game, rather as a way to generate content. By creating the game on Tabletop Simulator and only making access available to a select few, you could stream full matches, create strategy guides and tutorials, and provide gameplay samples.

I have given it some consideration, yes. No plans at this time.

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