Coffee With Cabesa /Hangouts|OT| 600+ Streams and Counting!

I’ve had a family situation come up that might pull me away for a week or two. No death or anything but I’m going to drive back up to MA and spend Thanksgiving there. Doubt I stream much during that time, but I will have those Lenovo laptops I’m reviewing and my Xbox with me so expect plenty of reviews at the very least.


Friday funday Warhammer Darktide beta stream? I’m back home!

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I have missed your streams! I hope everything’s allright and looking forward to Friday then :smiley:

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I’ll explain where I was and why on Friday’s show, been a very tough week.


Starting friday and throughout next week. In between/after that I’ll finally play…


I’ve heard it fixes my main issues with the first which was bloat. Can’t wait to see how it looks all pretty on pc


Jealous you get to play Darktide!

It’s the pre-order beta on Steam, got a key through the creator/press program at Sadly I don’t think there is any crossplay or progression.

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Still up playing Overwatch 2 with the Mrs. and my cousin so it might be a bit later start for today’s stream.

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I’m up, I’m up! Will go live in a few, just need to have some breakfast and shake the cobwebs out of my brain.

Haha, well it’s going to be be too late for me today, will pop in to say hi if I can.

Finally back after a real tough week away


Uploading today’s VOD

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Hoping to get The Callisto Protocol this week, working on Intrepid Izzy (no clue why) and Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. If I stream much it’ll probably be Warhammer for that review

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Uploading’ today’s VOD here. 3 hour one so it’ll take a while to upload/process.


Sorry about no stream today, woke up feeling like crap then spent the morning trying to figure out why we haven’t gotten review code for Callisto Protocol, Midnight Suns, or NFS Unbound. Been frustrating, getting zero responses.


As i was seeing up to stream more miles morales the hoa’s gardeners cut my internet cable… won’t be fixed until 3pm tomorrow so my launch stream for Warhammer darktide will be delayed.

Not the first time they’ve done this, either.


Internet is back up, installing the Windows Store version of Darktide.

Still no Callisto Protocol review code, so worst comes to worst we’ll buy it and I"ll stream reviewing it starting Friday as well.

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Uploading today’s VOD

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